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Sundays were spent between family in the Lozano household. Estefano and Ana Paola began the tradition once they moved here and as their kids grew older every Sunday they made sure to be home for dinner. Alejandro began taking Sofia along when they began dating, and now his mother always brings up the fact that she needs a child at the dinner table with them. That was the one Estefano spent at home and not working.

"Well it isn't the fashion star of the family." Alejandro yelled as he walked into kitchen where Estefania and her mother were cooking.

Sofia, her sister-in-law walked and greeted both of them and quickly helped them. Estefania nudged her brother in the stomach. "Well if it isn't the family heir. Glad to know all of the attention given to me is now gone."

"It's okay cuñada, you've always been my favorite sibling." Sofia hugged Estefania. "By the way have you seen my dress." Sofia said, patting down the knit baby pink dress.

"Hey I made that. It looks way better on you than me." Estefania laughed and felt herself become proud. Even though it was her family wearing, the fact that soon everyone would be wearing it made her happy.

"What an ugly dress." Her brother muttered.

"Like you're ignorant self could do better." And both of them began arguing and continued until Ana Paola groaned. "Don't even start you two. I want us to enjoy a nice family dinner like always." Their mother yelled at both of her kids, making them laugh.

"Well where's your husband? Is he upstairs?"

"Your father isn't here yet, hijo. So you can help us in the mean time by setting up the table." She said by pointing at the place mats on the kitchen counter.

"Great thanks dad. Do you guys have any alcoholic beverages mamá?"

"Why don't you just say beer, weirdo?" Estefania picked on her older brother. He turned around and gave her the devil eyes.

"Because I'm talking to my mother thank you, that sounds kinda rude. I wasn't raised like that." He says, sounding more to Estefania like a smart ass.

They joked and picked on each other back and fourth, only leaving their mother to yell at them every five minutes. "You two are going to give your mother a heart attack one day." Their father approaching them.

"Mamá, ¿todavía no está acostumbrada?" Alejandro asked his mother while giving his dad a hug. The food was ready in no time, so they all moved to the dinning room.

As always Estefano took the seat as head of the table with his son and wife next to him. It was a large table that, as Ana Paola said, they hoped to fill up with grandchildren. Estefania took a seat, sending one last message to Javier and put her phone inside her pocket.

"So hijo, how was the meeting with Santiago Mondragón yesterday? I have heard nothing but positive things about you."  Estefano began the conversation of the night. Hearing her father words, Estefania gently placed her fork down and sighed lightly.

Her mother turned to take a glance at her, knowing that her daughter would be upset by the way her husband talking about their son. Even Alejandro noticed, the sadness in her eyes and attempted to make it better

"It's really nothing papà. Unlike you hermanita, your store is opening in three days. Have you seen it yet papá, it's looking amazing?" He enthusiastically said.

"No I haven't, I've been able to go but I bet it's looking good." He said and turned to look at his daughter. "Are you okay Estefania?"

"I'm fine dad."

"You don't look fine."

"It's not like you would be able to tell anyways. You're too busy to even realize I'm still here." She blurted out.

"Excuse me? Watch who you're talking to." Estefano began to raise his voice loudly, something he never liked to do.

"I'm talking to you dad, for the first time in two months being able to talk to you. You have no idea bad it feels to watch you care about everything else in your life other than me and my accomplishments. It may not be something you like, but I'm doing what I like. And I'm alone. A little acknowledgement would be nice, or maybe a word to know that you're still here. But no I can't even get that." Estefania yelled. Tears were falling controllably from her eyes, and she tried to wipe them away every time.

She stood up from the silent table, and kissed her mother on her cheek. "I'm going to stay somewhere else tonight. Thank you for the meal mamá."

And just like that, their Sunday dinner was over.

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