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la misión imposible;

Andres and Guillermo both entered the coporate offices of the Lozano family. Their hangovers weren't that terrible, but they were hitting home. However, work was the most important and they didn't want show Estefano that hiring them was the wrong idea. The two men shared an office space, which was quite fun when they both decided to play a one-on-one at shooting paper balls in the trash.

"I seriously don't understand how Paulina expects us to find this guy." Andres murmured setting his brown briefcase on the mahogany desk. Their friend basically give them no information other than 'cute Mexican guy that attend my party last night'.

Guillermo, or Memo as his friends often referred to him as, agreed. "Honestly, bro. There were so many people there last night, it was crazy."

Deciding to leave the subject aside, they proceed to get to work. The papers on the desk weren't over flowing, but it was better to get everything done and afterwards have time to fool around. "Knock knock." They heard as the door slightly opened.

"Come in." Andres yelled, hoping they'd hear. In walked their long time friend, Javier Hernandez. Memo brightly laughed, and being the closet to him, grabbed him into a bear hug. "Hermano, how have you been? What are you doing here?" Memo exclaimed very excitedly.

"What, I can't visit my best friends?" He said. It had been a while since the three men had been together.

Javier lived in Los Angeles, and owned a mjor company like this one. They all met in Mexico when attending to a conference. They all stayed in the same hotel, and decided to go out for drinks. Well the short version of the story was, them drunk in one room with each other scattered all around the room.

"When did you get here? You could've told us." Andres scolded him, while offering him a seat on the little sofa the had in their office. Javier laughed, "It was all last minute. Trust me I would've."

"Man it's so great that, you're here. How are my girls?" Memo asked about Javier's two daughters.

His face automatically lights up when speaking about the two most important people in his life, his baby girls. Leticia and Fatima were his twin daughters, who were close to turning four in a couple of months. They were the only thing keeping him alive at the moment. Javier smiled, "They're great! Growing each and every day, which makes me feel so old."

"How's the wife?" Andres asked, hoping the response was nothing but a good one.

"Well she's still cheating on me, doesn't pay any attention to the girls, but of course, still draining out my bank account."

Javier was married to a woman he didn't love. Maybe he do once, but not anymore. They had met in New York, and then she seemed like the perfect one. All she cared about was starting a family, and making him happy. It wasn't long until after there was a bright, big ring on her finger her entire persona changed in an instant. Javier admitted he was fooled, and has always considere divorcing her but those two little girls always made him think twice about doig so.

He didn't want to leave them living a life with divorced parents, who always argue and can't even be in the same room, but did he really want to live unhappy forever? It crushed him entirely, but his wife was just so unbearable.

"Dude, I'm so sorry. But you've got to end things with that bitch." Memo said, giving him a friendly pat on the back.

Javier shook his head. "No that's not even the worst part. She knows I know she's seeig other men, and doesn't care. I told her about divorce, but she threatend me with taking the girls away."

Her cheating was just the last straw, but he couldn't bear the pain of losin his daughters. It often made him wonder if she ever loved, even though he knew the answer would be a no. She was the typical golddigging wife your mother often told you not to bring home, but Javier was too blinded by the pretty face.

"Javi, I completely understand. But we all know you're a damn good father, and she can't care for them. Plus don't you want to ever meet a nice girl? Someone who loves you and the girls, and that can make you smile?" Andres asked him.

Javier chuckled, simply thinking about what happend just hours before. "I don't think I have to keep looking."


honestly so proud of what chicha is doing rn at leverkusen. he's doing sooo great that I just can't to see him back with la selección!!

el verdadero amor perdona | chicharitoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora