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solo una noche de fiesta, y algo más;

Estefania wasn't a fan of dancing or drinking, even barely of getting so hammered you'd forget the entire night. But sometimes she just easily found herself doing it. It wasn't peer pressure or anything, she just simply had nothing better to do than please her friend by doing the 'fun' stuff.

"Dios mio, girl you look so fine in that dress," Paulina said watching her best friend finally decided to come down and enjoy the party she planned in one night. "There's not a single doubt you're finding the one tonight."

"Actually there is one, and it's coming from me." Estefania said, taking the glass that Paulina handed to her.

Even though it was clear like water, she knew better than to think she would ever recieve a glass of from the biggest party animal she knew. And of course, it was vodka. The girl just began to wonder off into the huge house her friend had. It was super easy to get lost.

By looking around at everyone, she could easily make the idea that most of the people didn't even know Paulina. But when you hear the words, party and, especially, free alcohol you can expect just that to happen.

Her eyes were trapped with the fabric of a random guy's dress shirt. Not only was it the most unique design in the world, but also suiting his body very well. Color, patterns, style, everything was swirling through her bead until he said one word.


At first, she was too into his shirt to realize that he was talking to her. Until his hand, was waving in her face hoping to get a single reaction. She instantly looked up, feeling like a fool when she his face.

No wonder the shirt's nice, after seeing him it all adds up, she said in her mind or that's what she thought when he responded with a 'thank you'.

"I'm sorry, you probably think I'm stupid. I just like your shirt, I'm fashion designer so it's my thing, sort of." She rambled.

He smiled, making her feel even worse to know she had the most attractive guy ever in her face, probably thinking she had issues.

"It's fine, you can touch it if you want," He said, before laughing aloud again. Estefania stood there uncertian of what to respond. "I'm sorry, I didn't for it to sound like that."

Estefania laughed, covering her mouth, "It's fine and I'm fine too, I don't want to touch your shirt."

He laughed again, holding out his hand. Before handing it to him she rose an eyebrow in confusion, making him speak. "I love this song bonita, please come dance with me."

"Are you assuming that's my name?" She bravely asked him. The smirk that formed on his face, only made her feel powerful in the current situation. Well that was until he moved closer into her, making her gasp as she felt his hand on her hips.

"No, but if it was it would go perfectly with you, because you're just too beautiful." He said.

With that she gave him her hand, and the made their way through the entangled bodies and strong scent of alcohol. Through the corner of her eye, she saw a very drunk Paulina smiling her way. Nicky Jam's voice blared through the speakers in her best friend's home.

Estefania wrapped her arms around his neck, gravitating her hips with his. This all seemed like the perfect fairytale, but her history with relationships wasn't the best.

If she wanted this to work, which she really did, she would have to learn his name first. And maybe even how to forgive.

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