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una noche de aventuras;

"Have you realized that I'm always meeting you in the night?" Javier asked Estefania, while he held her hand and took for to the ice cream shop a corner away. She thankfully had an extra set of clothes in her car, so she changed to be a bit more comfortable.

"Like they say, in the darkness you won't be able to see all of my flaws. Once you see me in the night, you might think I'm the ugliest creature ever." She said making reference to what her mother used to say all the time to her. She always used that saying to encourage her children to stay home
and not go out, but of course they didn't really listen.

"I doubt you could ever have any flaws, or be an ugly creature. You're a very beautiful woman, Estefania." He said, squeezing her hand a bit tighter.

No matter how hard she tried not to get attached to him, it got difficult everyday that passed. He was so sweet, and very romantic she could say as well. But she knew she was getting attached to Javier, yet again how could you not?

"I don't understand why you like me and compliment me. No guy has ever done that, maybe one or two but that's because they were trying to sleep with me." She said referring to her long list of failed men. Every time she thought about it she would laugh and just hope that she never does through that again.

Javier smirked, "Well maybe that's what I'm trying to do." He felt her hand ease away from his and a confused stare looking into his eyes. A smile grew on his face, making Estefania sigh in relief.

"Just when I was hoping you weren't one, you pull this little act on me. You really worried me." She said, trying not to laugh at his little prank.

"Were you worried I would turn out like the rest of the male population? I can promise you here on this street, I will never try to do any funny business with you. My feelings for you are sincere, bonita. You're an incredible girl, who I do like, and hope to get to know more and well. Maybe if I'm lucky enough, I might get to call you mine one day." Javier said, facing her. His fingers delicately brushed through her hair, making her nervous to have her this close.

"Keep acting like this, and it might be sooner than later." She whispered, not intending for it to be loud, but the exact opposite happened. Having him this close was making her mind go crazy so she, took ahold of his hand and continued to walk.

"We're talking too much, and not walking enough. You owe me ice cream remember." She said, making him laugh.

"Anything for you bonita, you deserve it."

They both entered the small shop with wooden walls that had a red sign reading, open 24 hours. No one was really there excepted for the enthusiastic blonde girl and sleepy red headed girl who was literally sleeping on the counter. Javier order a strawberry milkshake, while Estefania ordered a smaller milkshake and three scoops of mint chocolate chip ice cream, her favorite. He paid like he had promised and they sat at the small black table for two right outside of the building. Miami weather was always hot and warm, so it was always time for ice cream.

"Let's play a game," He suggested. Estefania turned to look up at him and smiled, hoping it would be a good suggestion. "We're going to play, never have I ever."

"Okay, never have I ever been in trouble at school by any of teachers." She said and watched as he pulled one of his five fingers down. "Well, was someone very naughty during their school years?"

"No, miss goody-two-shoes. I was a good kid it's just I was focused on other things." He defended himself. She laughed and ate more of her frozen desert. "Lets see, never have I ever, been to Canada."

"You should, it's really beautiful over there. Maybe you could take me next that you go." She suggested, and let her finger go down. He nodded his head thinking about the idea, "Yeah that could happen."

"Okay let's see, never have I ever, gotten drunk in Las Vegas." She said, looking him in the eyes to see his reaction. Shyly, he let anything finger down.

"Bad kid in school, now this? Above all you still want to be my boyfriend?" She couldn't resist teasing him. Javier just smiled as his face turned into a bright red color. She enjoyed having him feel embarrassed, in a way.

"All I can say is, I am a changed man." He defended himself and continued with the game. "Okay, never have I never been to a sports game that is not un juego de fútbol."

"Well I've never been to any sports game, period." She truthfully stated. Javier's mouth dropped in shock, trying to figure out what has happened in her horrible life.

"Have you even lived bonita? Really? That's just not even acceptable." He shook his head, making her roll her eyes. He kept going on, and on about the subject after finally they proceeded with the game. Javier was down to one finger left, while Estefania still held three up.

"Okay lets see, never have I ever been in love." Estefania said, sounding a bit bitter but who could she blame.

His finger slowly went down, but his eyes were steady on hers. "That's not going to last long."

"What do you mean?"

"Your exprience of no love. I think I'm
in love with you, and I'm determined to make you fall in love with me if you'll allow it." He said, with his eyes pleading for an answer. Estefania's hand approached his and intertwined her fingers with his.

"Please do."


my late christmas gift to you! feliz navidad!!!!

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