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la pregunta del millón;

"My head fucking hurts, I can not find my pills anywhere, and my red Chanel has a tear in the middle. What happened last night?" Paulina yelled walking into the kitchen, only making her head pound ten times more.

She was blinded by the bright sun shinning through the light blue curtains. Estefania laughed softly, and slid the small container of painkillers and her bottle water.

Estefania's hangover was not bad at all. She had a high tolerance for alcohol, and had gotten a good amount of sleep as well. She woke up quite early and made breakfast for the both of them. She took a bite of her burrito and spoke, "I take it you are regretting last night."

"Regret? Rule number one Tefi, you never regret the night before. No matter how bad you feel the next day, the party is creating memories." Paulina lectured her friend.

"Yes ma'am, you got it." She teased.

Paulina gladly sat across from her, and began digging into her food. The house wasn't that bad of a mess, thankfully. Paulina began cleaning last night, after everyone left and surely she was going to call someone to finish the rest of it.

"Tefi, did you see Guillermo and Andres last night?" Paulina asked refering to their other friends. They all went to school together, graduated, and now the work for Estefania's father.

"Wait, they came?" Estefania asked. "This party was huge, I cannot believe I didn't even notice them."

Paulina rolled her eyes, and wore the biggest smirk on her face. "Well how could you, if you found el principe azul and stuck him the whole night?"

"Oh shut up, it's not true. I don't even remember his name." Estefania defended herself. She couldn't believe she didn't ask for his name, or anything about him.

It was strange, unbelievable. But she wasn't going to give him much attention. Easily she assumed his intentions were to have sex and only sex. But she wasn't going to lie and say she didn't like last night's dance either. It made her feel wanted, almost as if she belonged in his arms.

"Do you want it, I'll find him for you!" Paulina was very quick to offer. She knew her friend wanted someone, but she just never gave a guy an actual chance. She went straight to thinking about the future, not that there was anything wrong with at, but she should learn live the present and not worry about the future.

Estefania rapidly shook her head, "No, thank you Pau. Plus I doubt you could, I have no idea where he came from, and neither do you."

It was strange two both them how this random guy just showed up, and managed to land his eye directly on Estefania. Paulina now felt as if she had to look for him, knowing her best friend would never admit she wanted to see him once again. So damn stubborn, Paulina thought in her head.

"Ay por favor, you're talking to the Paulina de la Cruz. Who also, by the way, has many connections here in Miami." Her best friend scoffed.

Did Paulina actually know how to get the man's name? No not all. But she was a very determined girl, who would do absolutely for her best friend to see her life overflowing with happiness. She did however, have many connections — and this category did contain many ex-boyfriends, and both real and shady friends. And so she went with the first people on the list.

group message:
los más guapos de miami

you guys we have a major problem

how can we help?
everything alright?

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