Chapter 1 - The start

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Hi. I'm Holly Washington. I'm 18 and currently at fourth year High School. I have a best friend. Her name is Allie Stilton. She's been my BFF since we were little. I really love her. She's like the only person who understands me.

*bell rings signaling the start of the break*

"Holly!!", I heard my name called. Aw it's Allie.

"Allie!! Hi there aw it's been a long time since we didn't see each other.", I stated. Today's actually the 1st week of school. We went through a really long summer. To be honest, a boring type of summer.

We had a lot of time to watch TV, sleep, eat and more. But all I did was tweet.

Okay back to Allie.

"Hey Holly do you know this band called One Direction?" OMG. One Direction? You mean, the hottest band on earth?

"Of course! Who would not know about them? Why? What happened?", I asked her excitedly. I'm really curious about them.

"Nothing really happened. Who's your favourite? I like Louis.", she said in a happy tone. I know we're already Seniors and soon to graduate but, I've been a Directioner since my Sophomore year. That was when they started. I've always been updated about them.

"Okay then. Louis' yours but Harry's mine. Did I make myself clear?", I replied. I know we sound like kids but that's really how we appreciate them. If you're wondering why she just asked now, that's because we didn't have communication during the summer.

All I did during the summer was Eat. Tweet. Sleep. Eat. Tweet. Sleep. Well, I think it became a cycle already.

Allie and I went to the cafeteria. We got all the food we liked and put it on each of our plates. I always had a mug with a cat on it since Harry loves cats. And Allie's got a carrot always on her plate, since Louis likes girls who eats carrots.

While eating, Allie began to speak and asked me.

"Hey Holly. Have you heard of 1D Day?" OMG. 1D Day. The day where all my dreams will come true.

"Yes of course. Oh no! We haven't made a video for the One Big Invention! They said that they'll change the challenge tomorrow morning.", I said in a nervous tone. Oh snap. We don't have Wi-Fi at home tonight and they'll fix it tomorrow morning.

I can't even go to Allie's house tonight. I've got a lot of work to do.

"I also have a lot to do tonight. Let's just wait for the next challenge." she said and I sighed.

Great. I think all my dreams of keeping in touch with One Direction will just remain as a dream.


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It started with a tweet. (Harry Styles Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now