Chapter 15 - Realizations

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Harry's P.O.V.

I think I was wrong. Why did I bring Holly to that date?

I quickly got my phone and tweeted Holly: (a/n Holly changed her username to-- @Holly101 - lets pretend only)

@Holly101 I'm sorry :( x

Every Directioner replied and asked what happened and I didn't mind them. I think my love for Holly is already growing stronger.

Seeing her suffer because of me is like laying down on a bed of needles.

I saw us on TV, Youtube, and we're trending.

They used the hashtag: #HarrysGotADate

A lot of rumors are spreading about us. Everything was negative!!

I saw the boys tweeted-

Niall: Stop it with #HarrysGotADate ! It isn't even true! x

Zayn: #HarrysGotADate isn't true so quit the rumors! x

Louis: Oh you guys know Harry's my babe that's why #HarrysGotADate is totally false. x

Liam: #HarrysGotADate -- untrue x


What have I done? Now, everybody's criticizing Holly.

Holly's P.O.V.

I saw myself on TV with Harry. No, this can't be.

I quickly got my phone and opened Twitter.

OH MY GOSH. What the heck is #HarrysGotADate ??

I checked my mentions. There are a lot of tweets telling me that I'm not deserving for Harry.

And while scrolling, I saw Harry's tweet:

@Holly101 I'm sorry :( x

I'm not sure if I could forgive him but, I think it's better to just go away from him for a while.

I got my pillow and slept.

*after 3 hours of sleep*

I checked my phone to see 25 missed calls and 32 text messages, all from Harry.

Every text goes:

I am really, really, really sorry.

I replied to him:

Why are you saying sorry? I'm not even mad.

He called me. (bold for Harry, italic for Holly)



You know Holly I-

I know you're sorry. You don't have to repeat it over and over again.

But, I got you to trouble.

No. It's okay. I just need some space.

*end of call*

I hung off the phone because I don't want to hear more.

It's okay for me but, I don't wanna get criticized by a lot of people. It's hard to live like this.

I better call Allie.

It started with a tweet. (Harry Styles Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now