Chapter 10 - The night

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It's already 7. This is it. The night with Harry.

Tonight, my dreams of meeting Harry will come true.

I met Harry in the park.

(a/n bold for Harry italic for Holly)

Hey Harry

Hi Holly. That's you?


You look... perfect


Uh.. here are your concert tickets. Here. Have 6.

W-why 6?

You can go with your friends or your family.

OMG. Harry. Thank you so so much. This is once in a lifetime!

Sure thing.


(in  Allie's case)

Allie's hiding behind a tree.

FORTUNATELY, Louis saw her there.

(bold for Louis italic for Allie)


OMG. Louis Tonlinson?

Yes it's me.

H-hi I'm startled to see you here.

What are you doing?

I uh um Holly told me to go here with her and yah

Holly? Is that the girl Harry's talking to now?


Great come with me.

Louis pulled her closer to me and Harry.

Yay we finally met our idols.

Even Niall, Liam, and Zayn are coming down the tour bus!

I really just can't believe this is happening. They invited us to join in and this is so cool.

I never thought this would happen in my whole life. I even thought I won't get a follow from Harry!


Is it too short? Well, wait for the other chapters! Please COMMENT, VOTE AND FOLLOW .x

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