Under Hard Rain

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Eddie's P.O.V.

"No. I'm not okay."

Eddie stared at Drew, who looked down again after his statement. Eddie saw that he leaned his elbows on his knees, and the hands that dangled there shook.

What the hell did Drew see out there? Eddie thought. Yeah, there was a gunshot, and some yell of some sort, but what could Drew have found so horrifying about that? Or was it the man that had died beside him in the bar? Brent wasn't affected much, and he was on the other side of the poor guy. Either that, or Brent hid it well.

Eddie looked at the others, Ryan and Brent on Drew's sides as well as Zach beside him. Only Ryan caught his eye and shook his head soon afterwards. Eddie glanced at Drew again, and had no idea what to say next. He examined the inside of the bus.

It was fairly empty other than them. Closer to the front were three other people; an elderly lady, a pregnant woman, and a middle-aged and thickly-bearded man.

"I just saw somebody die as they looked me in the eye." Drew suddenly said in a shaky voice. Eddie turned his head back over.

"What?" He asked. Drew looked up, his eyes pained and hesitant. There was also a hint of anger there.

"He yelled at me 'Don't let them take us!' Just before he was killed because the government shot him square in between the eyes."

The guys had nothing to say because they couldn't feel the same way as Drew, let alone say anything to comfort him about it. Even if they could successfully console him, no doubt would he soon feel the same way due to the government doing something just as ruthless.

Then they found out the other three had overheard, as the other man in the bus suddenly snapped, "It's not a big deal."

Ryan was the first to defend his friend fiercely, "Stay outta this."

The man chuckled, shaking his head. Eddie saw Zach glare at him, but was the first to say something more.

"What?" He asked. The other man looked at him, "Cops shoot people all the time. For your friend there to be upset about it...well, ridiculous is an understatement."

"They just shot someone for no reason." Zach growled.

"That's the government for you," The man replied with a smirk, "The Cleansing, the riots and uprisings, the---"

"They're supposed to be serving and protecting." Ryan stopped him from speaking more.

"That argument is rich, coming from the man that told me to stay out of it. Besides, they are serving and protecting. Us, that is. From other classes."

Eddie saw Ryan's eyes narrow greatly. He couldn't help but clench his jaw himself, and was ready to hold to Ryan's initial "stay out of it" stance as soon as the man opened his mouth again.

"There's nothing to protect us from." Zach responded. The man looked straight at him, "Is that so? Because last time I---"

"Hey, again, stay out of it," Eddie loudly cut him off as the man looked at him now.

"For good this time."

With this, Eddie looked at Ryan first thing. Again, Ryan caught his eye and Eddie gave him the same stern look. Ryan clenched his jaw, but seemed to comply, not looking at the other man another time the whole ride. He was no longer worth any of their words.

About ten minutes later as they comforted Drew the best they could, Eddie finally sat back while they found the driver was taking them near Ryan's neighborhood first. Eddie wondered if he could get off there and walk the mile home, uncertain if he wanted to really take the rest of the way on the bus. Curfew was soon last he checked, but surely he could make it as long as there were no patrols out on the back roads he'd take.

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