The Mist of Hallucinations

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A/N: good day, nice people! It's been a while since I've written some Author's Nonsense (what did you think the sophisticated 'A/N:' stands for?)
So, now that they've reached Edom, I'm promising some twists in the epic ending about 'how we killed bad Sebby'.
Also, don't be such boring people. If you've got roses / tomatoes to throw at my works, pls do. Comment a little more. Please tell me if you thought there was so far any sentence(s) worthy of being called a 'Quote'. I might make a quotation art of that.
Also, If you have made any kind of an edit, fanart, quote-art, tumblr trash, absolutely anything!, don't hesitate to PM it to me. I'd love to see any of Leah Ravenscar's admirer's works. I'll even post it in one of the upcoming chapters (and you'll be given the credits, of course). Imagine.......le fame. (It's a delightful thing, my son).
Anyways, in case anyone fails to visualise Leah's dress in this chapter, here are the pictures. Feast your eyes!

 Feast your eyes!

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So, . . . . bye now. Enough ranting nonsense for today!
~Lila Wayne

Leah opened her eyes to find herself standing in an oddly familiar place. Yes, she recognised it - the London Institute. She looked down at herself and noticed that she was wearing an exotic crimson gown, who's skirts flared elegantly at the hips and brushed the floor in delicate textures when she moved around.

"Nice outfit, Leah." A man's British - no, Welsh - accent hit her from behind. Leah spun back to stare at the handsome face of Will Herondale, no less than eighteen years of age. "Dear me, I thought women these days had enough senses to mutter a polite 'thank you' or 'I am graced by thy words', when flattered with a genuine compliment about their sense of dressing."

"Thank you." Leah replied, still confused. "Uncle Will."

"There. I really liked the last part." He smiled. "May I" Will offered his arm courteously. "Have the privilege of escorting you to your seventeenth birthday party?"

"This is my birthday party?" Leah laughed.

"Now, that is quite rude. I asked you a question first." Will pouted. "But to answer to your enquiry, indeed, this is your birthday party."

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