Home bound

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He blinked.

"What the f-" He was interrupted by a howl so broken hearted and intimidating it shook fear into me. He smiled. "Looks like your mate should be here soon. Shall we wait for him?"

I couldn't speak.

He lifted me from the river and carries me up the hill. He plopped me on my feet and I stood there, shivering and looking around with an overwhelming amount of anticipation.

Within a minute, I could hear him. His heavy footsteps were so fast they all seemed to blur together. I looked towards his direction, trying desperately to see my Bumblebee. I looked to my threatening captor. His eyes were dead set on the woods in front of us, and a insane grin stretched it's way onto his face slowly.

I snapped my attention forwards. Glowing...no. Burning black eyes promised death and they were pinpointed on the man beside me. I felt him crouch.

Bumblebee launched up to attack, but the man slid under him effortlessly.

"You're going to need to focus if you want to fight," he said, sounding bored. Blade let out the most viscous growl and I winced. The man give a sick grin. "Alright then." He shifted into a beast that was definitely smaller than Blade's, but was double the amount of unpredictability and crazy.

He kept his head low and his body crouched in a way I don't think he meant to do. He was probably crippling under the weight of authority Blade held. I know I was.

He dove towards Blade, but Blade didn't move. As soon as the man's wolf was close enough to hit faces with Blade, Blade opened his mouth and clamped down on the other wolf's neck. It roared in protest but Blade would not let go. He placed one giant paw on the body of the wolf and pushed him down onto the ground. Once he was pinned down, Blade took his other paw and placed it on the wolf's face. He then pushed whole pulling his face away, effectively pulling the esophagus from the wolf's body as well as crucial veins.

The wolf's body twitched violently until it stilled in a way that only death could cause.

Blade lingered over the wolf's body, tearing more flesh out of the body until it looked like a turkey at the end of Thanksgiving. His movements were hurried, possessed.

I shakily walked towards him. "Blade?" My voice was weak and wispy, he seemed to not hear it. "Blade," I called again, louder. He growled but continued. I placed a feather-like touch on his side, the muscles hard under my fingertips. He froze.

All of a sudden he shifted and his body stood naked, but it wasn't sexual in the least. I walked to in front of him.

His chest rose and fell heavily, but shakily and inconsistent. His eyes were wild, like he didn't know what he was doing and was capable of anything. He looked in my direction, but his gaze seemed to pierce through me onto something else. I placed a hand on his chest.

His eyes went crazy and I had never witnessed so much intensity. A growl rippled through his chest.

"Let's go home," I said quietly. He nodded once, the intensity never leaving his black eyes. He picked me up roughly and began to run back to the cabin. "Wait," I said. He halted in his tracks. "John and James. They are hurt. They tried to fight him off."

Blade growled when I said "him" but nodded, running to find them. He must've mind linked the men because suddenly we were accompanied by at least fifty men. They searched the area while Blade held me to his chest in an almost crushing hold.

"Alpha!" Blade growled menacingly. The man didn't notice. "We found James. He's hurt real bad but he's alive." Blade never moves from our embrace.

The men helped take James to the cars I assumed, while others continued searching. "John didn't make it," another man called in a solemn tone. The rest of the men carried him back as well. Blade and I were alone.

We stood there for a while, him just holding me as tight as I could stand. "Blade," I said softly. He growled warningly. His adrenaline was too high and his emotions too wired to fight off any instinct concerning me. I cleared my throat. "Bumblebee," he didn't respond, "we need to go." He didn't move. "Bumblebee." Nothing. "We need to-" he broke out in a sprint to the cars and we were there within five minutes.

He sat me down in the car and tugged on some black sweatpants then grabbed me again. His skin was searing hot. He needed to cool down.

He had me cradled in his arms in the car, men packing up outside. My head was nestled into his neck and I could see the veins, angry and pulsing. I blew gently on the skin, hoping to calm him. He growled lowly and held me tighter. I sighed. I didn't want to start something now, but I wanted more. So much more.

The car door opened. "Sir, the rogues that have not surrendered have been killed and the ones that did are tied and in the trailer along with Chris."

Blade nodded, not even looking at Mark. Mark closed the door.

We sat in silence for a couple minutes until the driver's car door opened and a man entered, starting the car. All of the pack's vehicles started and we all began heading home.

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