What?! - Chapter 3

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"What do you mean you can't transform?" Ratchet asked, trying to keep calm at the situation.

"It's like my t-cog being removed all over again. But I scanned for it, and it is still there. I just. . . won't transform back!" Bee threw his hands in the air, already becoming frustrated with his loss of height.

"Bumblebee, why don't you try taking a seat in your 'alt mode first?" Bulkhead suggested, and Bumblebee did just that.

He opened his passenger door, shutting it behind him and began to try turning off the holo-form. But it still wouldn't work. He stumbled out of the car again, looking back up at Ratchet with a pleading look, hoping that maybe, just maybe he knew what to do.

Ratchet shook his head. "I'm-I-m so sorry, Bumblebee." Ratchet lowered his head, feeling useless not knowing what to do.

"Think of it this way. . . Um, Bee. . You can still eat chocolate?" Nicole offered.

Bee flashed a smile, not long enough for everyone else to as well.

"So what am I supposed to do?" Bumblebee questioned, looking back up after a few minutes of silence.

"Don't give up hope yet, Bumblebee. We will find a way to fix whatever has been done to you." Optimus added.

"Yeah, but it's not like I can go on missions anymore. I can't fight like this!"

"You can still go scouting." Bulkhead said.

"Ugh!" Bumblebee shouted, throwing his car door open and speeding off.

But without him knowing, Nicole jumped in quickly to stay with him. Maybe to help him? If that was even possible.

They were silent for the first 20 minutes of the ride, Bumblebee huffing every once and awhile. Although he didn't notice Nicole being there, which she found to be humorous, but she was afraid of speaking yet without having the right words.

Nicole sighed, and Bumblebee jumped, turning to look at her in an instant.

He stopped the car, and Nicole flee forward, knocking her head on the console. But Bumblebee only glared at her.

"Get out." Bumblebee warned.

"Dude. Calm down. I'm here to help." She replies.

"I don't need any help."

"Don't kid yourself. Everyone needs a friend."

He sighed, realizing the is right. Then, he put the car back into gear and begins to drive off.

"Fine. Thanks. .  . For being there, I guess." Bumblebee said.

"No problem. What are friends for?" Nicole smiled, and Bee smiled back.

"At least you don't have to go to school," Nicole joked, only slightly laughing knowing she had to go back to school.

However, Nicole is homeschooled so she doesn't have much of a problem. She doesn't particularly have to wake up early and get dressed like everyone else. Nor does she have to go school supplies shopping. But, she always wanted to do that. Just to see what it was like.

"But aren't you homeschooled?" Bee asked.

"Yeah. But it doesn't change the fact that I have to do schoolwork. Meh."

"Back on Cybertron we had an academy we had to go to. I went for hundreds of years."

Nicole shrieks. "Thousands of years?! No. Uh uh. Nope. Couldn't do that."

Bumblebee chuckled, but he stops and let's out a frustrated sigh.

"I don't want to be stuck as a human."

"Oh, C'mon! Its not that bad."

"How would you like to be stuck as another species?"

"I dunno. Depends. Being a Cybertronian doesn't sound all that bad. At least I'd tall."

"Yeah, but you wouldn't want to stay that way all that long."

"Yeah. . . You're probably right."

And they sat in silence for a little more of the way. Nicole simply watched the land they passed by. Although it wasn't much. Just a bunch of sand.

"Hey what's that?" Nicole spoke up, noticing a shard of metal sticking out of the sand in the distance.

"What is what?" Bumblebee asked.

"That!" She points to it as it slowly passes by. "It's some sort of metal in the ground."

And that caught Bumblebee's attention. He slowed down his car and turned around, driving towards where Nicole directed him to go.

They stopped and got out of the car, walking to the metal.

Bumblebee kneeled down and rubbed his hand against the sand, revealing an Autobot symbol.

"Woah. What do you think it is?"

" I don't know. But it looks like a Cybertronian escape pod just from the top of it."

"Who do you think is in-"

She is cut off by a banging noise from inside the ship, and someone shouting. "Hey! Anyone out there? I'm stuck!"

"This is Bumblebee! Autobot! What is your designation?"

"I'm Fixit! Please let me out! I'm claustrophobic. . ." The bot cried.

"Wouldn't Optimus get angry with you If you just let a random bot loose? He could be a Decepticon spy!"

"In an Autobot escape pod? I don't think so."

"But I don't have the muscle power to lift this thing out of the sand." Bumblebee groaned. "guess I'll have to call base for backup.

He pressed his comm link on his back right wrist, and Ratchet answered.

"Hello. bumblebee, what is it?"

"I found an Autobot escape pod. Theres someone inside."

"I'll alert Optimus," and he cut the comm link.

"Don't worry! Someone's coming!" Bumblebee told the other bot trapped inside the pod. Now they just had to wait.

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