Chapter 17 - nightmare

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Bumblebee thrashed in his sleep, tears dripping from his face and sweat covered his body. The blanket he had been using fell off, and his head was switching directions.

"Nicole?" The bot called out, but everything was deaf. No sound could be heard for miles.

"Nicole!" He shouted again, and he reached Megatron's warship, jumping on it as it was on the ground. He clambered up the wires and metal sheets, sweat dribbling down his face from the heat.
"Raf?" He questioned when he saw a shadow of a young child.

The child stepped out of the shadows, and it Was Rafael. But it wasn't him. His eyes were blood red, and a smirk plastered his face. He walked up to Bumblebee, pulling out a knife from his back pocket, tossing it straight at Bumblebee -who dodged it.

Someone was laughing from behind him. They sounded menacing, and it sounded like... Smokescreen.

"Smokescreen?" The confused boy turned to find an image of the exact bot.

"What are you doing?" Bumblebee said. "Please! Tell me!"

Smokescreen only smirked, glancing at the boy who stood behind the scout. He nodded and motioned with his servo.

Rafael nodded, grabbing ahold of Bumblebee's hand and twisting him around to punch his nose. Bumblebee stumbled back, looking at Raf with shock. He thought that was his friend...

Apparently not.

Bumblebee sped off into another direction of the warship's halls, no one seemed to follow him, and he inwardly sighed.

He reached the control center, and he found Smokescreen once more. He carried the same smirk, and he was now a small controller in his servo. He stared down at Bumblebee's holo-form as he glanced around the room frantically. That's when Bumblebee noticed something... it was Nicole cowering in the corner, drenched in blood.. and energon.

She was sobbing loudly, swatting at the air as if something was trying to get to her. Nothing was around. She screamed with terror embedded in her voice, trying to stand to her feet but falling back down on her butt.

"Nicole!" Bumblebee screeched, but the girl didn't pay any attention to it. She was deaf.

A wicked laugh emitted from Smokescreen, and he pressed a small blue button on his controller, and Bumblebee began to feel his world spin. There were then scraplets surrounding his face, buzzing in his ear.

"What... yo...u- doing!"  Bumblebee dropped to his knees it agonizing pain.

"Clearly, I am defeating you." Smokescreen chcukled.

"How... c-could you aban...don p-prime?'

"Oh, that Prime was weak. It was only a matter of time before someone...," he kneeled down to look at the bot. "Destroyed him."

"You didn't... you couldn't!"

"Oh, but I did!" He clicked another button, and a projection came out and took place on the floor in front of him. It bean to play a scene of Optimus... and his dead crew. They were all lying beside of him on their back, covered in energon. Optimus was on his knees, holding a gap in his side. That's when Smokescreen walked up, and he stabbed him once more for him to let out a screech.

Bumblebee let out a pained gasp. "O-o-pti-mus..." He croaked.

He turned once more, hearing Nicole shout again.


Bumblebee shot our of his bed with a grunt, jumping to his feet and staggering out of the room and into the Autobot hanger -where he hoped he could find Nicole.

"!" He stumbled on his words from tiredness.

Ratchet's optics widened at the sight of Bumblebee. He looked like a mess, his hair was dripping wet, and his clothes stuck to his skin and looked raggedy. He ran up to him, scooping him up in his servo. "Bumblebee! Tell me what's wrong!"

"Where's Raf and Nicole!? ...and, and," he couldn't spit it out. "And SMOKESCREEN!"

"Smokescreen is out. He had to take Nicole to school, and since you weren't awake, he is taking Raf as well." Ratchet informed as he tilted his head to the side in confusion.

"No! He's a traitor, you can't let him!" Bumblebee tried to wiggle out of Ratchet's grip.

"Smokescreen is no traitor. He worked under Alpha Trion, and he is very devoted to the Autobot cause.  What's gotten into you, Bumblebee?"

The scout took deep breaths, and he tried to take in the situation. Smokescreen proved himself when he helped save Nicole. He also tried his hardest to please Optimus.

Bumblebee knee deep down that he could trust him, but his dream startled him so much, he didn't know what to think.

"I'm sorry, Ratchet... I had a bad dream."

"What about?" The medic asked as he set Bee down onto the loft.

"I was on the Decepticon warship... and Smokescreen was there. H-he.. was controlling Raf's mind and terrorizing Nicole..."

At first, Ratchet didn't know what to say, but he knew it was all just a dream based off of his fear that Smokescreen wouldn't care for Nicole well enough. Although he knew he would. He wouldn't do anything that would cause Optimus to be angry with him, and that meant protecting Nicole with his life.

"I think I'm gonna go on a drove to clear my head..." Bumblebee said as he walked down the steps and made his way to the camero, waving goodbye to Ratchet before he drive off.

When he left base, he stopped suddenly and slipped our his phone, pressing on Nicole's contact number.

"Hey. Are you okay?" He typed.

She didn't respond, and fear sparked in Bumblebee's chest.

"Nicole?" He tried again.

Still, nothing.


"Bee, I'm going to get in trouble with the teacher! I'm okay."

Bee sighed in relief, texting Nicole "okay" in return. He, then, texted Raf the same thing, but he was at lunch break, and he could reply. He was good.

The end of the school day came, and Nicole ended up getting detention for having her phone out. Smokescreen had to wait an extra hour for her, and he at first worried and called Ratchet, but Miko just said she was in detention and was fine.

She went hope after that, exhausted entirely to the point of crashing in Smokescreen's alt mode.

Bumblebee, with his time spent alone, decided one thing; he was going to be Nicole's AND Raf's guardian. He didn't have to drive her everywhere like Raf, but he was going to watch after her no matter what.

He vowed to protect them no matter what.



Yeah, that's it. Oh, and this is NOT the end of this story. Im not even close to finishing it! I hope you are enjoying it so far~

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