Chapter 22 - wish granted

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Nicole yelped as she entered Bumblebee's 'alt mode. The autobots had found it on their way to the Mech base, and they brought it along. Though Optimus was skeptic about Bumblebee driving after all that had happened, but then again, his holo-form isn't real. He is still an autobot; a cybertronian. 

Bumblebee turned to the girl in an instant, looking her up and down to find anything wrong.  He didn't see anything at first, but he then noticed her clutching her arm, her lip quivering as she stared at him with sad eyes. Bumblebee's eyes softened, leaning over the car seat and wrapping his arms around the girl in a hug. "I'm so sorry all of this happened." He shut his eyes tightly.

Nicole pushed him off of her. "It's my fault. I should be the one apologizing," she looked out the window, keeping from making eye contact with the holo-form. 

The scout sighed, refocusing his view to the road in front of him and driving in the direction the other autobots had taken. He was still upset with Smokescreen. He understands that he is still immature, but calling Nicole what he did, was so atrocious. He didn't know if he could ever forgive him for that. Sure, Nicole caused this; she shouldn't have been acting careless like she was. But, it was also there fault for allowing it to happen. They are her guardians, after all.

Nicole choked on a sob before tears streamed down her face. "I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have done that. I didn't mean... f-for all of t-this to happen," she sniffled, wiping at her nose. "I'm s-s-so sorry.... p-please... forgive me, Bumblebee," 

Bumblebee stayed quiet the rest of the ride, thinking about what Nicole had said. He didnt know what to say at the time, and he didn't want to say the wrong thing.

He had went through being human for a long time now, and he has learned a lot. Humans are in fact, not useless and are just as important as cybertronians. They care for each other seemingly more than cybertronians do, and they always make sure everyone is okay. They figure out problems on their own, and they don't need others' to do their work for them. He finally learned he is doing just fine as an autobot as he had before. It just took time for him to realize it. 

Bumblebee blinked as he saw a tree sitting in the road he was driving on. His eyes widened as he realized what was happening. 

Without thinking, the 'bot sped up and transformed through the air, flipping over the log before transforming back to his car form. 

Nicole was still screaming after they had landed.

"What... what was that?!" She shouted.

But that wasn't what Bumblebee was thinking about. 

"I transformed... Nicole, I can transform again!" He cried in victory.

"How? What changed?" she raised a brow. 

"I-i dunno..." he scratched the back of his head and glanced around the car, while Nicole did the same.

"Nothing is different except that the doors are closed this time," Nicole mumbled, but her eyes widened and she turned to Bumblebee with shock written on her face. 

"Oh my gosh..." Bumblebee muttered, internally cursing himself. "That's why I couldn't transform?!"



Bumblebee and Nicole entered the base last. The scout was fully transformed and had his head low with anger in his optics. Nicole followed behind, but she was holding back a grin.

"Bumblebee?" Arcee walked up to him.

"You transformed back? How?" Ratchet asked, and Bumblebee shot him a glare.

"I don't wanna talk about it."

And Nicole just shrugged.


Well, this has been a fun book to write. But, I'm afraid this is it. I hope you enjoyed! And thank you so so SO freakin' much for all of your lovely comments and votes and reads!

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