Chapter 15

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Three days pass, and Nicole was finally allowed out of the hospital. The doctor's told her to take it easy, and make sure none of her stitched went undone. She had to wear a metal brace on her leg(one she didn't have to use crutches with), and she also wore large bandages on her tummy. Nurse Darby assured her parents she would check up on her every once and awhile, as well.

Everyone was noticing that Nicole was always tired. She never had the energy to do anything, and when she did, it was short. They worried about her. Bumblebee was trying his best to listen to his friend, that it wasn't his fault. And he kept to that, but in the back of his mind, something was screaming at him that it was. However, he was mostly busy at the time. He had a lot of training to do at the military, and they were constantly keeping him on his feet. Which for him, is a good thing.

The autobots wanted to know how she was doing, but her parents were still mad with them. 

Bumblebee punched the bag once more after the coach's orders, and he dropped to the ground to do twenty more push ups. Sweat was dribbling down his face at a rapid speed, and his hair was soaking, along with some of his clothes. He growled as he jumped back up to punch the bag once more. "Give me twenty again, son! And do it right!" The couch shouted, and Bumblebee did as he was told. He was then told to run half a mile, which he did in an instant, only taking about 15 minutes. 

All the military watched in awe at how quickly he was able to do all that. They had been asking so many questions, to try and find out how it is possible someone that young looking could be that strong. Soon, they realized asking wasn't going to get them anywhere, so they gave up and just tried being friends with him instead.

"So what's it like back home with you?" One of the soldiers asked as he took a bite out of his sandwich. The soldiers all had different stories, and most new each others.

"Not much happens. I work, and I train for the most part. It keeps my mind off of things," Bumblebee replied.

"I hear you," the light colored man said.

"What about you?"

"Nothing much, just like you. Momma works all the time, and my dad drinks anytime he's off of work, so I barely see 'em." He shrugs it off as if it were nothing.

"It's like a war is going on most days," Bee added, only him being able to ever understand his joke.

The man only arches a brow at him, but that's when the bell rings and their lunch break is over.

 The day goes on with training, and by the end of it, Bumblebee is exhausted. He may be in holo-form, but he still feels and gets tired like any human would. He needs his sleep, and he also needs energon. He isn't allowed to have energon at the military base, orders by Ratchet, because it would be too easy for someone to consume it by accident. 

On the helicopter ride back to the autobot base, Agent Fowler has been trying to make conversation with the 'bot, but so far, nothing is working. It felt awkward to him.

"How is Nicole doing?" Bumblebee suddenly spoke up.

"Nicole's parents have yet to call in. To anyone. Not even Nurse Darby or the kids." The agent said with a grim look.

The scout growls. "This is so pointless."

"Don't worry. Nicole will be fine."

"No, not that. Me going to the military! I still can't be of use to the autobots! We are fighting a war, if you didn't realize!"

"On my planet. Forget that, soldier?" Fowler said, confusing Bumblebee, but they landed to soon for him to ask anything. With that, he jumped out and made his way inside the base.

He stopped dead in his tracks when he noticed Optimus kneeling down and speaking to Nicole's parents. He made sure they didn't see him, so he slipped out and jumped up the stairs to the loft, finding Nicole to be asleep on the couch with all three kids sitting on either side of her.

"How is she doing?" Bumblebee turned to Ratchet.

"She is doing fine... from what I hear, she is a bit traumatized from what all happened." He replied dolefully, and Bumblebee frowned, kneeling down at the couch and wiping a stray piece of hair away from Nicole's face. 

He then pressed a kiss to her cheek, and he stood up, smiling at the other kids and walking away to go shower off all the sweat he is covered in.

"Did anyone notice that he reeked?" Nicole whispered to the other kids with only one eye open.

"Yes." Miko said. "How long have you been awake?"

"I just woke up a second ago." She sits up and stretches her arms. "I wanna dance. Can we play Just Dance?" She asked, and all the kids nodded except for Jack.

"C'mon, Jack, it will be fun!" Miko grabbed his arms and tried pulling him up, which didn't work. "Fine. Be a party pooper, then."

They then began to dance, and they had a great time doing so. Nicole giggled, and her parents heard her, smiling as they saw the teen dancing and having a good time. Optimus smiled as well. He felt sorry for the parents, though. They cared dearly for their daughter-as they should, but he also cared for her, and he felt she would be better if she were at the base.

"If we agree to allowing Nicole at base, you have to keep her schedule up. She cannot, under any circumstances, miss school, and she now has to have a strict bed time because of all the medicine she is on."

Optimus nodded. "I will be sure that your rules will stay in place." He stood to his full height. "Smokescreen?" He called for the new member of his team. 

"Reporting for duty, sir!" The ecstatic bot said as he saluted the prime.

"Your new job is to be Nicole's guardian." He explained, and Smokescreen grinned widely. 

"Yes, sir!" He then bent down to look at Nicole's parents. "Don't you worry, I will make sure to care for your daughter."

"What?" Was all they heard from an enraged Bumblebee...

Bumblebee Transformed?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora