You are not...

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This is not a chapter, but this is something important I want all you guys to know.

1. You are not useless

2. you are not stupid

3. you are not alone

4. you are not a failure

5. you are not annoying

6. you are not an outcast

7. you are not hopeless

8. you are not worthless

9. you are not ugly

10. you are not what people say behind your back

11. you are not unimportant


1. wonderful

2. good enough

3. beautiful

4. worth it

5. priceless

6. important

7. you are doing well

8. you are smart

7. you are amazing and so useful

8. you are hope

9. you are good enough

10. you are helpful

11. there's people everywhere. you are not alone

Please, remind this to yourself every day. Tell yourself this. Repeat it over and over again, because all of those words are true. 

You may not be like the person you look up to, but hey, someone looks up to you. You are you, and last time I heard, no one is like you. No one is the same. No one looks the same, acts the same, no one has your personality.  You can't be flawed if you are number 1.

There's beauty in everything. There's always rainbows to look for after a storm. 

You are good enough. You may stumble on a few things, you may fail a few things, but that does not make who you are. There's a promise for tomorrow. The sun shines to keep you going. The moon was put there so we would always have light -even in the dark.

You are not alone. I promise you that. Someone in this huge world loves you. It could be over the internet, in your home, in your state, anywhere. Someone loves you. Anyone that loves you would want to help.

And, I am always here if you need anything. You can always PM me if you want. I don't have all the words, and I am not perfect, but I will try my hardest to give you advice, and I always have an ear to listen. 

I can also tell you I know how it feels to be all the things I said. I know how it feels to be worthless, unwanted, hopeless, all of those things. I do not want to say everything that has happened to me in my life, but I know how it feels to be lost. 

but your feelings will lie to you.

Keep these things in mind, please. I wrote them just for you.

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