Chapter 13 - I'm so sorry

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All the autobots could hear screaming coming from the groundbridge. Optimus, Smokescreen, Arcee, and Bumblebee all left in search for the lost child: Nicole. Her parents were terrified, especially when they started hearing metal clash against metal, but their hearts sunk when they heard a little girl's scream. 

It sounded like it was in agony, and so, so afraid. June Darby had joined them at Jack's request, and she was waiting with a first-aid kit just in case. The kids were all holding each other in fear, worried for their friend. They wanted her to come back safely. Ratchet himself was also worried. A human casualty cannot be undone. 

Once the clashing stopped, Bumblebee ran through the green and blue portal shouting, "We found her!" And the other autobots joined in behind him. At last, Optimus walked through... with a screaming girl in the palm of his servo. 

She was on her knees, covering her ears and screaming at the top of her lungs without stop. She had red, puffy eyes, and blood stained her shirt and shorts. She wouldn't stop shouting... and it broke everyone's heart.

"Please give me my baby..." Nicole's mother cried.

Optimus slowly walked forward, sorrow written his optics. He then set his servo down, and all the humans ran up to her. Scott pushed through the crowd, glaring at anyone that was in his way until he found his daughter. He dropped to his knees, and he inched out his hand to touch Nicole's shoulder.

"Sweetie... I'm here. Come here. It's okay, you are safe. Please..." The father said.

Nicole's screams began to die down, and she slowly removed her hands, opening her bloodshot eyes to see her father. In an instant, she wrapped her arms around Scott and held on for dear life, crying once more. 

"Shhh, it's okay, Nikki. It's alright..." 

Her mother cried, kneeling down and wrapping her arms around Nicole as well. And soon, everyone else began to form a group hug, all trying to calm down the child. 

"I'm so scared, Dad." Nicole whimpered. 

"I know. It's okay. I'm here now." He cooed. 

"A-a-are t-t-they gone?" She sputtered.

"They are gone, Nicole. You are safe." Optimus said in the softest tone. 

"M-m-my leg a-and stomach h-h-hurts..." Nicole pulled away, holding her wounds tightly.

Ratchet transformed quickly as Scott lifted Nicole in his arms, taking her to the ambulance as June followed close behind with her bag. 

"It's going to be okay," The father said again as he lied her down on one of the seats.

Nicole curled into a ball, and Ratchet sped through the groundbridge Optimus had opened to get to the hospital quicker. The family was glad for that. But Raf was terrified. He held onto Bumblebee and cried. 

"I want to go see her..." Raf sobbed.

"She's going to be okay, Raf." Miko said, wrapping her arms around him as well. 

"We will wait for Ratchet to comm in of Nicole's status." Optimus announced. 

'This is all my fault!' Bumblebee screamed at himself. 'How could I be so stupid!' 


"It would be better if we all stayed in our alternative forms. I'm afraid Nicole's guardians would be in too much trauma to learn anymore of our species." Optimus informed, and all the autobots agreed with him. But the humans all left their vehicles and ran up the stairs. They ran through the hall, glancing in every room for Nicole. Raf was the most frantic. Nicole was his best friend. 

However, Bumblebee was sulking. He believed it to be his fault Nicole was in pain. He was afraid to face Nicole, thinking that she would be angry with him. Which he would understand. 

"Bumblebee," Optimus called for the scout. 

"Yes?" Bumblebee snapped. 

"It would be wise for you to go visit Nicole. She would appreciate it."

"But she will be angry-!" Arcee cut him off.

"Don't you dare blame it on yourself, Bumblebee. Quit your self pitying and go see your friend." She argued, and Bumblebee nodded instantly, leaving his car and running to see Nicole as well.

When everyone was a loud into her room, they all walked in to see Nicole fast asleep.

"How is she?" Bumblebee asked no one in particular. 

"The nurse said she was stable." The mother replied.

"That's good." Bumblebee knelled in front of her parents. "I am so sorry for what happened."

"It is not your fault." Both her mom and dad said.

They all heard a groan, and they shot their heads towards the medical bed to see Nicole slowly opening her eyes. Her eyes began to water up, and she sniffled.

Her mom immediately was at her side, grasping onto her hand and rubbing her hair softly. "It's okay. You are okay."

Her mother lied on the bed beside of her daughter, and Nicole cuddled up against her. 

Suddenly, the nurse walked in. "Okay. I'm afraid there are too many people in here. Everyone that is not related to the patient, please leave."

Jack, Bumblebee, and Miko all left the room.

Raf jumped onto the medical bed and smiled at Nicole, who gave a sad smile in return. 

"I'm glad to see you again, you little squirt," Nicole ruffled the little boy's hair, and he giggled.

Raf smiled brightly and latched onto Nicole, hugging her tightly. "I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too."

And soon, the family all fell asleep, and they slept in peace knowing Nicole was okay. 

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