Chapter 18 - let's get out of here

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"This is a nice change in scenery." Nicole spoke up.

"Shut up." Smokescreen scolded, shooting her a glare.

"I've never been to jail be-"

"What did I just say?"

"To shut up, but I don't wanna. This is fun."

"How is being handcuffed and kidnapped fun?" Smokescreen growled, pulling at the ropes that bind his wrists. 

They are currently trapped in a basement of someone's home. Smokescreen took the chance to go along with one of Nicole's plans. Let's just say, they didn't go as planned. She was actually going after someone the police have been looking for for awhile, and she believed she could find them herself after researching up on the case. They think they found the fugitive... but they got caught in quite a sticky situation as they did.

"I have a plan." Nicole announced, a smirk plastered on her face as she turned to her guardian in holo-form. 

"Is it a good plan?" Smokescreen rolled his eyes. Her last idea didn't go so well. And to think, everyone believed Nicole to be an innocent little teen that never got in trouble or did anything dangerous. Change of plans

Nicole breathed in. "It's a plan."

"Okay," Nicole looked around the room quickly. Nothing was around. "You're gonna have to stand up at the same time as me. Only way of getting up."

Smokescreen nodded and got to his knees, trying to pull himself up. He ended up leaning back onto Nicole, and she was shoved forward. 

"Hey! We have to stand up at the same time! You can't just balance on me like that. You'll tumble over." Nicole said, and Smokescreen groaned as he went back to his kneeing position. 

"Ready? Go." They both stoop up in unison, and Nicole sighed with a smile. "There. I knew that technique from school would come in handy one day."

"You learned that from school? Of all places." 

"Now, know it all, how do we get out of these chains?" Smokescreen was beginning to feel hatred towards his charge. 

"There's a bar over there we can we might be able to break them with." Nicole tried to point, but she ended up twisting her guardian's arm instead, who cried in pain.

They made their way towards the bar, and they both crawled underneath it, one of them sliding their knot of rope onto the sharp side and pulling it towards their self. They grunted as they landed on their butts. The rope was cut.

"There. Now, let's go!" Nicole chanted enthusiastically. Smokescreen would never understand why this made her so happy. They could be killed! 

'Optimus is so going to kill me...' Smokescreen thought to himself.

Nicole crept up a staircase with Smokescreen at her feet, both with their heads lowered and their ears out to make sure nothing was coming. When they reached the top of the stairs, Nicole put a finger to her lips and shushed Smokescreen before turning back and gripping onto the door nob slowly, twisting it to the right and glancing in the room it led to.

There were two men sitting on chairs in front of one another, both of them speaking to each other. Nicole couldn't hear what they were saying, but she descried that they were both angry. There faces were red and sweat poured from their hair line. There eyes were narrowed in glares, and they wouldn't take their eyes off of each other.

"Okay." Nicole said as she shut the door. "There is no way we are sneaking out that way."

"Never would have guessed, Sherlock." Smokescreen waved his hand at the girl, stepping down the stairs and waiting for her to come down as well with his arms crossed. "Now what?"

"We jump out the window. Obviously." Nicole scoffed, jumping towards the window and looking out at it. 

When she looked out, her eyes widened as she noticed where the window stood. They were on a steep hill, and if they were to jump, they would tumble down the mountainside. But that was the only option, in this case.

"Give me your jacket," Nicole held out her hand for Smokescreen to give her his jacket. 

"What? Why?"

"Just give it to me."

When he took it off, Nicole grabbed it and wrapped it around her elbow, closing her eyes tightly as she crashed her elbow onto the window, causing it to shatter to pieces. She smiled, but she knew they were going to cut as they climbed onto it. There was still glass scattered around the windowsill, and there was no way of getting rid of it. Nicole took the chance and heaved herself up and onto the wood, grimacing as the ripped pieces of glass penetrated through her skin.

"Hey, hey, be careful," Smokescreen held onto the girl's sides so she wouldn't fall, his guardian instinct kicking back in.

"How do you know how to do all of this, anyway?"

"If anyone asks, Bob started it." Nicole snapped.

Smokescreen hauled himself up next, taking a seat beside of Nicole. It was good that the window was large. 

They stared down and glanced at each other with fear in their eyes. 

Nicole gulped. "W-well... here we go.." She grabbed onto the holo-form's arm, pulled them down, and they plunged down the mountain side.

"AhhhhhGGHHHHHH!" They both cried out, covering their faces with their arms.

Smokescreen and Nicole howled as they landed onto the ground with a 'plop'! groaning as they curled up into a ball.

"What... do w..e do n-n-now?" Smokescreen sputtered, gathering back his breath.

"Not sure. I thought the jump would kill us." Nicole said without a problem, standing to her feet and wiping off the excess dirt on her shirt. Then, she helped Smokescreen stand, too.

"We should probably try and find your car." Nicole scratched the back of her head, and Smokescreen smacked the back of her head.

"You got that right!"


"You ever acted like this with Bumblebee! What's this all about?" Smokescreen angrily crossed his arms with a huff.

"Listen here, hot shot, I am expected to be perfect everywhere I go. I have to be a role model to Raf, I have to babysit his brothers and act like an adult, I have to be serious at base or I will get on everyone's nerves, and I can't have fun at home or I will be shouted at. You were the one person I thought I could be myself around."

Smokescreen was taken back by that. 'This is how she really is?' He asked himself. He always thought she was... well, perfect compared to the other kids. Never got in trouble or tried to do anything to cause harm, and he never would have guessed she could act so rambunctious and wild. But at the same time, he thought it was pretty cool.

"I never would have expected you to be so adventurous." Smokescreen stated, and Nicole smirked. 

"Now you know." She paused. "Let's find our way back to base before anyone questions our absence."

Look what I coded for school today

Look what I coded for school today

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They wanted a self portrait

They got a self portrait

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