Chapter 10

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 2 weeks later 

Bumblebee jumped out of his seat with joy. He could finally go on his first mission as human with the autobots! Optimus decided, after talking with agent Fowler, that he was now ready to go out in the field. No one believed him at first, though. But they reminded him of all his past training, and that they were helping him out now as well. Even though Bee doesn't have the same strength he had as a cybertronian, he is still strong compared to the other humans his size. 

Bumblebee packed his gun on his back, clipping it all together and practically flying down the stairs to reach the others. "I'm ready!" He called, and Optimus nodded.

Arcee, Bulkhead, Optimus, and Bumblebee, all walked up to the groundbridge and waited for Ratchet to open it. When he did, Optimus called, "Autobots, roll out!" and they all transformed and rolled off -while Bumblebee ran.

The mission was a simple energon mine. Optimus didn't think it wouldn't be too bad for Bumblebee's first mission as a human, so he let him come along. 

They exited the blue and green portal, and each bot transformed and began walking off in opposite directions. 

Bumblebee ran off, being exactly opposite of where Optimus had went, and he switched on his flashlight to get a better look of things. As he did that, blue orbs began to shine through, and the scout smiled, strolling up towards it and running a hand over top of it. "Finally. Energon Megatron hasn't stolen yet." He mumbled. 

"Hey, guys! I found some!" He called out, and he waited for them to reply, but they never did.

"Guys?" He said again, and still, nothing. 

His eyes narrowed as he took a few steps forward and inched his head out from behind a rock. 

The autobot's had been knocked out.

Their bodies are lying out on the ground, but Bumblebee saw that they were still venting, which meant they were alive. Then, two shadows appeared, and Bumblebee quickly ducked behind the rock to hide.

The shadows turned out to be Knockout and Breakdown who, when they passed by where the young scout was hiding, didn't notice him.

"Megatron, we found some energon." Knockout said in his comm system.

He nodded at Breakdown, and they began to lift the rocks when a groundbridge portal opened up behind them. They noticed it and walked through while a few drones walked out. 

After a few minutes, they were done, and the ground bridge closed.

Bumblebee found that to be odd. They didn't try to capture any of the autobots, and they left without a fight. Normally they wanted a prisoner, and normally there was some kind of battle that would take place. Something just didn't add up.

Without second thought, Bee ran up to the leader and leaped onto his chest, making his way towards his face. 

"Optimus!" He shouted, slapping his chin as hard as he could to wake him.

Optimus groaned, opening his optics slowly and glancing around before lifting his hand to his audio receptor.

"Ratchet. . .," He croaked. "We need - a bridge."

Ratchet did just that, and he ran through it, his optics widening as he saw the rest of the team. He called for Smokescreen, and together they helped Arcee, Bulkhead, and Optimus through. Bumblebee followed behind them once they were all through, and he ran up to Ratchet.

"Ratchet. They didn't fight or anything. Breakdown and Knockout just walked in and took the energon. That's it. Doesn't that seem odd?"

Ratchet ignored him as he checked each of the injured 'bots systems. Nothing unusual came up, and he, too, found this too be odd. 

"You are right. Something isn't right."


Once everybot had woken up, Arcee explained how Knockout had said the decepticons were out of energon, and they didn't want to fight. And that he used some kind of device to knock them out. It looked like his energon rod, but the color was purple instead.

"Could be dark energon." Bulkhead suggested.

"That's would not be plausible. Dark energon would have fried our systems, but it made us unconscious." Optimus spoke up.

"Well, whatever it is, we need to figure it out," Smockescreen said. "Right?"

Optimus nodded.

"Well...," he paused, looking at his watch and noticing it is time to take Nicole and Raf home. "Oh. I got to take you guys home," he turned to the two children, and they smiled.

They all clambered into the camero, and once they were all strapped in, Bumblebee sped out of base. 

"How are you enjoying being human, now?" Raf asked. 

Nicole is in the backseat, lying with her head on the seat belt and yawning into her hand, trying to stay awake but she kept on dozing off. She had to watch Raf's siblings two days in a row, and she didn't get any sleep.

"Eh. I guess it's a bit cool," Bumblebee shrugged, and Nicole smiled slightly.

"I told you so."

"Do you have to babysit tomorrow, Nicole?" Raf was worried about his cousin. She didn't look like she felt well, and she had dark bags under her eyes.

"I don't think so." She yawned.

With that, Bumblebee floored the break, causing them to spin in a circle. Nicole barely could tell what was happening she was too tired, and Raf's eyes widened, along with Bumblebee's.

"It's Knockout!" Bumblebee screamed.

"Come out, come out wherever you are," Knockout's menacing voice said lifting the vehicle and staring into it. 

Bumblebee quickly shot up out of his seat and leaned over to Raf's, covering him with his body. Knockout saw this and chuckled, but before he reached to open the door, he saw Nicole's sleeping form and smirked. He opened the back door and grabbed her, speedily transforming and speeding away. 

"Nicole!" Bumblebee cried once the con had let the car down, surprisingly without dropping it.

"N-nicole. .," Raf looked in the back seat to see she was gone. "NICOLE!" He tried to open the door and go after her, but Bumblebee locked the doors. "No! She's my cousin!! Let me go!" He tried again, and Bee sped back to base with Raf screaming at him to go back, kicking the door as he did so.

"Take me back!" the little boy sobbed. 

"Nicole!" He shouted again and kicked the door.

Once the car stopped in the middle of the control room, Rafael leaped out of the car and tried running towards the door, but Bumblebee chased after him and caught him just as he fell to his knees. "We have to go get her!"

"What happened?" Miko and Jack ran up.

"N-N-nicole...," Raf choked.

"Where's Nicole?" Miko asked, and Jack gasped. 


"Knockout got her." Bumblebee said, and all the Autobot's optics widened. 

Bumblebee Transformed?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora