Chapter 14 - Recovery?

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Nicole giggled as she threw the rubber ball back to Raf who was sitting in the doctor's swivel chair. He was also spinning around, trying to catch it as he spun, and Nicole's parents smiled and watched the two children have fun. At least she was okay... for now. 

"Honey, you probably need to settle down a little bit. Don't you think this is a bit too much strain on your body?" Nicole's mother, Samantha, said with a worried tone. Her father also agreed, looking at Nicole as well.

Nicole groaned. "But I'm boreeeeeed!"

"Health is more important than that." Scott said. 

"Hey, Nicole, I could go get our racecars and we could race them?" Rafael suggested, and Nicole's eyes widened, nodding instantly with a smile plastered on her face. 

Her parents sighed, realizing they couldn't keep Nicole rested for even a little bit. Her mind was always busy, and that, at times, caused her to lose sleep. It was like her brain never wanted to give her a break. 

However, within 10 minutes of Rafael leaving, Nicole fell right to sleep, and that gave her parents too much time to think. Samantha began to cry. Her daughter was attacked by giant, alien robots. Her daughter had been hanging out with giant, alien robots, and she lied to them all the time. They were not happy about it, but at the same time, they didn't know what to do. The 'bots genuinely seemed to care deeply about protecting her, and about finding her with safety in mind. They didn't want her to get hurt, and they noticed that, but at they also didn't know for sure where she was safest at: home, or with the autobots?

A nurse walked in a few moments later to check on Nicole. She seemed to be doing fine; all of her wounds were healing well. One thing she didn't like, though, was the fact that one of her cuts looked to be getting infected. This one being on her leg. She decided not to document it, thinking it was only her imagination. 

She left, with that. 

An hour passed, and Nicole woke up with Rafael sitting beside her, playing with his plastic car. She smiled at him and ruffled his hair. He grinned at her, jumping down and picking up Nicole's car controller and car, handing it to her. 

"Shhh..." Nicole smirked and pointed to her parents who were sound asleep. "Bring me the wheel chair," she ushered towards it. 

Rafael looked nervously at it, not so sure that was a good idea...

"C'mon! It'll be fun!" 

And he jumped down, bringing the wheel chair towards her, and she leaped into it. Landing with a 'thud' she wrapped her blanket around herself to cover her scars, and she picked up the toy car and controller. Turning her seat around and to the door, they both made their way out and into the hallway. 

By the time they were standing, or in Nicole's case, sitting, the race had already began. Rafael's yellow and black car sped off as Nicole's purple and blue one tried to keep up with it. They both stuck out their tongues in concentration, not even realizing the people who were walking up behind them. 

"Miss?" A nurse's voice sound behind them, and they both jumped, their cars crashing into each others.

"Yeeees?" Nicole spun around with a sweet smile.

"I'm sure you aren't supposed to be out here, seeing as the injuries you have. Here," the nurse walked forward and held onto the bars on the back of Nicole's wheel chair. "I'll take you back to your room and help you back to bed."

Nicole groaned but nodded.

The nurse helped Nicole back onto her bed and left.

"Hey, the 'bots would like to talk to you, y'know," Rafael said, grabbing a tablet out of his back pack. "Here, you can face chat with them on here. Ratchet made it for me!" He gleamed at the last part. 

"Coolio!" Nicole grinned and took the tablet, switching it on to see the autobots. She wasn't expecting it to be so fast, and she jumped. 

"Sorry, Nicole, I should have mentioned that they have been trying to call you.."

"It's alright," the girl smiled at the medic. 

"How are you feeling, Nicole?" The leader of the autobots asked with a slight smile. 

"I'm happy!" 

"She's on a lot of medicine...." Raf giggled, taking a seat on the bed beside of Nicole to see the autobots as well, and Nicole smacked him on the shoulder for the statement. "Am nooooot!"

Arcee came into view and she waved, along with Smokescreen in the background who ran up with a big grin. "HIIIIII!" The 'bot exclaimed. 

The girl chuckled. "Hello."

"And I am doing well! The doctors say my wounds are healing okay, and that I should be allowed to leave in a few days,"

"That's good."

"Hey, where's Bumblebee?" Nicole looked around the screen for her guardian. 

"Oh hey Nicole," Fixit came into view. "Nice to see you doing well."

Nicole raised a brow.

"Uh...," Rafael scratched the back of his head. He didn't know how to tell his cousin. "Bumblebee believes that everything that happened was his fault..."

"But he left the base a little bit ago. He said he was going to see you." Arcee said. 

"Cool! I can't wait!"

Within a few minutes, Bumlebee came running into the room, panting heavily. 

"What's wrong, Bee?"

"It's raining cats and dogs outside!" Bumblebee shouted, shaking himself off as if he were a dog.

Nicole giggled at the way Bumblebee used the human term. 

"C'mon! You can sit beside of me!" 

"How are your parents sleeping through this?" Bumblebee asked as Nicole scooted a bit for him to take a seat.

Nicole shrugged. "They didn't sleep last night."

"Yeah. Neither did Bumblebee." Raf said with narrowed eyes. 

"Don't be so rough on yourself, Bee. It wasn't your fault that Knockout decided to join our racing game." Nicole scolded, and Bee sighed. 

The autobots then said their goodbyes and powered off the face chat. 

"But I should have done-!" And Nicole cut him off.

"It's in the past! I'm fine! You're fine! There's no need to be mad at yourself for something you can't change."


Scott and Samantha jolted awake, and Raf jumped. 

"Welcome back to the land of the living, Mom, Dad," Nicole chuckled. 

"Sorry," Scott shook his head, but he smiled to see that Nicole was hanging out with her friends. 

"Hey, daaaaaad~" Nicole turned to her father. "Can we go wheel chair racing?" 



Story time.

When I was in the hospital once when I was little, I had to ride in a wheel chair. Well, I was getting really tired and bored, and I remembered people pushing them selves on wheel chairs on movies, so I wanted to do that. MY dad was standing behind me, talking to the doctor, when I made my move. I swung the wheels forward as fast as I could, racing down the hallway. 

And my dad had to run down the hall way to catch me. xD

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