|| Missed You ||

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Chapter 7

Wednesday. Lunch Break. 2.30pm.
Daemin's POV.

I didn't feel like eating so I wandered around the school, the academy is so big that I didn't visit every place.

As I walked past a corridor, I could hear a faint piano sound, or rather someone was playing the piano and it was beautifully played. I followed the music and it lead me to the music room.

The door was not closed entirely so I could see a bit of the pianist. He has a similar back view of Suga, especially the hair colour.

Without me realizing, I have walked towards the piano. I looked at the pianist, it IS Suga. I was taken aback by how well he plays. His eyes were closed and there were some tears flowing down.

I couldn't help myself but to shed some tears too. Suga seems to notice me as he stopped playing and looked at me--blankly. He immediately wiped his tears off.

"Yah, what are you doing here." He asked coldly, but I couldn't reply. I turned around so that my back was facing him and I was crying my eyes out but I have no idea why I'm crying. Maybe I have a soft spot for people crying? I don't know.

"Yah." He called out again, he turned me so that I'm facing him. I thought he would scold me but no, he uses his thumb to wipe my tears off, gently.

"Why are you crying?" He asked as he made me sit beside him.

"I--I don't know..." He chuckled at my answer, "what about you? Why did you cry?" I asked him back.

"Because... This song... Is special." He sighed again before continuing,

"This song... Is not complete--"

"What? But it's beautiful!" I exclaimed, interrupting his words.

"No, it's not completed yet. It needs lyrics to fill it up, it needs a vocalist. This song used to have a vocalist but... She left... She left this song--" his tears were welling up again.

"She left me..." Realization hits me, this song is special because the vocalist of this song is someone special to Suga...

"O-Oh... May I ask? Where did she go?" Upon hearing my question, he broke down. Suga cried really hard, I have never seen him so down and broken before. I couldn't help but to hug him and let him cry on my shoulder. I patted his back and said sweet things into his ears.

"She cheated on me-- she left me-- she broke up with me--" he tries to speak but he kept choking.

I don't know whether that girl made the right decision or wrong decision. I mean Suga's a dick.

"I have similar story too.." I trailed off, making him look at me with his red and swollen eyes.
"You do?" He asked and i nodded.

"Yeah... A guy that I really love broke up with me too... He thought I was cheating on him when in reality, he was the one that betrayed me... The day when he broke up with me is the day I swore to God i would never love or trust a guy that easily anymore."

"He's a jerk." For the first time, I agreed to what Suga said...

Written on: 30 June 2016

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