|| Hang Out ||

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Chapter 12

Time skip. Saturday. 3pm. Dorm.
Daemin's POV.

"It's soooo boringgggg." I whined as I sat up. Jimin chuckled at me before replying, "The boys are coming soon. Hang in there baby girl."

"Ew don't call me that, you pea-tard." Jin muffled his laugh as he continue reading his cook book.

It's been a long time since I hang out with Ryu and Jooyeon...

I took out my phone and decided to text them.

To: Ryu and Jooyeon
Hey girls, let's meet! It's been a long time since we hang out. I'll head over to your dorm okay?

From: Ryu and Jooyeon
Sure Daemin, we missed you so much even though we see you everyday in school. Let's have some heart to heart talk alright?
It's been so long!

To: Ryu and Jooyeon
Sure! See ya!

After texting, I dropped my phone on my bed and went to grab some shirt and jeans, just because I'm still wearing my pajamas.

As I close my wardrobe's door, someone trapped me against the door, his two strong arms beside my head, "Going somewhere baby girl?"

"Fuck off pea-tard. I'm hanging out with Ryu and Jooyeon." I snapped him rudely, making him pout while I chuckled a little.

"Sorry Jimin. I'm just really bored right now." I said and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

Time skip. 3.30pm.

*knock knock*

"DAEMINNNNN!!!" Ryu shouted happily, making me jump in shock.

"And hello back to you Ryu." I walked back in the dorm I used to leave in for more than 1 year and reminisce of the past we shared.

"I missed this place so much!" I laid down on my ex-bed and it still felt so comfortable.

"You know, you can come visit us anytime right?" Jooyeon stopped reading her book and turned to me, smiling.

"I still feel sorry for landing you in this state... Sigh..." She looked at me with guilt in her eyes.

"Come on! I'm fine. The guys treated me really well anyways."

Time skip. 6pm.

After hanging out with the girls for exactly 3h, I've decided to head back to my new dorm and pray that I won't get rape.

As I opened the door, someone who's not my roommate greeted me with a smirk. I rolled my eyes as I slapped his chest while walking past him, "Hello to you too, Kim Taehyung."

Taehyung is such a weirdass goofball yet at the same time, a hot playboy.

"Where's the others?" I asked as I opened a bag of chips and sitting down on the couch. He sat on the empty space beside me and casually took my chips.

"They're busy." He replied and ate my chips. I rolled my eyes at him before hiding my chips under me, so that he won't take any of it.

"Yah! Share some. Don't be so petty." I glared at him and said, "I'm not petty okay! It's just... No one should take my food okay."

"Yeah, and that's petty plus selfish. Come on~ just one more~ please!" He shoots me the puppy look and I threw the chips on him.

"I'm going to take a nap, don't disturb me." I said grumpily and went to my bed.

"You sound like Suga Hyung." I ignored his comment and went to bed.

After tossing and turning for 20 minutes, I opened my eyes and with my back facing the male, I said "Stop staring. You're gonna drill a hole into my back with that state of yours." I looked at him who looked shock.

"H-How did you know I'm staring?! Woah... You're a god..." I rolled my eyes at his stupidness but laughed it off.

"Women instinct okay."

Written on: 7 August 2016

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