|| Welcome Party ||

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Chapter 11

Thursday. 3am. Jungkook's Dorm.
Daemin's POV.

"I won, now let me sleep." I said lazily as I dropped the game console. It's 3am in the morning and we have to wake up at 7am for school.

Now why am I not asleep, you may ask? Because of the 7 fucktards who refuses to let me sleep and forcing me to play all sorts of game as a "welcome" party.

" *yawn* guys it's getting late now. Let's just sleep okay?"  Jin said and I immediately fell asleep on Jungkook's couch.

Jin's POV.

"Come on Hyung, don't be such a party-pooper!" Jungkook said. "Whatever, I'll go back to the dorm with Daemin then. The rest of you don't stay up too late okay?" They hummed in response and continued gaming.

I look over to her sleeping body and smiled, I carried her bridal style and walked back to our dorm. I'm pretty amazed that Suga actually stayed up for her welcome party, I always thought he's playing with her or hated her but I guess I was wrong.

I placed her gently on her bed and went up to bed.

Do I like you though Daemin?

Flashback. 2 hours ago.

"Jin Hyung, can I talk to you for a moment?" Jimin asked and I nodded. We went outside of the dorm, walking past the noisy crowd.

"Yes Jimin, how can I help you?" I asked. He was hesitant to ask the question but he build up the courage and finally asked.

"Hyung, do you like Daemin?"

"Like? As in friends?"

"Don't act dumb Hyung. I mean as a crush." He looked serious and looked a little scared.

"Jimin, do you like her as a crush?"

"Yes." I was taken aback by his answer because i have never seen Jimin so serious when confessing to me who he likes.

"And Hyung, I'm serious about her. I'm just asking because... If you like her, I'm willing to give up the feelings I have for her. She deserves someone like you, not a jerk like me." I patted his shoulder and said,

"I can't confirm whether I like her or not. But Jimin, if you really like her, then go for it."

"Go for it? She hates me though..." He looked down and sighed.

"No, I'm pretty sure she doesn't hate you. Just... Stop being a pervert then maybe she'll fall for you?" Although I'm encouraging him to pursue his love, a part of me felt sad and disappointed.

End of flashback.

Written on: 23 July 2016

Right, I was tagged by @Bangtan_Army17 to do 15 facts(?) about me?😅😂 I don't know, I don't really get what I'm suppose to do but whatever, here I go~ ((you may just skip this part if you want which I know majority of you will))

1) I'm a bisexual girl

2) I'm short af 👉 1.5m only

3) I'm not at legal age yet oops🙊 yes, I'm under 18 and I'm writing smuts, or I used to write smuts until wattpad became a bitch and deleted 3 of my smutty stories ugh.

4) I obviously, supports the LGBT community💕🌈  yay

5) But I can't write lesbian smut just because, I don't know how it works😅😂

6) My favourite girl group is BlackPink and I have a major crush on Lisaaaaa😘💕

7) Suga, Jimin and Taehyung are my biases from BTS😘😍💕

8) I'm from South East Asia😉

9) My English sucks and my book's plots are kinda predictable hence I don't get why people reads my books😂 but continue to support me please (I'm such a whore gosh.)😂

10) DaeMin_ is my sister irl and this book is dedicated to her😉❤️

11) My arm is currently injured and I'm not going to school for another 1 week. I'm going back on 22 September and my exam starts on 30 September, gonna screw my end of year exam yay! 🙄🙄

12) I'm Bilingual! Hehe I can speak Chinese and English fluently! A little bit of Korean (like heck, all kpopers can speak a little Korean aites😂) a little bit of Spanish (used to watch Dora Kay.) a little bit of Malay (used to learn Malay but failed badly at it😂) I guess y'all know where I'm from already?

13) My hobby is singing and dancing but I can't do well for both😂

14) I tends to pretend that I'm strong but actually I'm not🙁

15) I love food. Esp pizza💕😁

Okay that's all~~ not gonna tag anyone hehe

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