Swearing and broken glass

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~Kalel's P.O.V~

     It's been two months since we broke up, and things have felt like complete shit, I have never felt so lonely in my life. Well I still do hangout with Melanie and Ian once in a while, whenever me and Anthony are in the same room I feel like tearing all my hair out, he's always trying to annoy me on a daily basis.

 Sometimes I wonder why I ever liked the guy. 

    Ian at times acts, well different like a whole new person then randomly leaves the room and doesn't come back for an hour or two. I feel worried for him, Melanie says he's still trying to cope with what happened that night. 

Fuck this.

It's taking me forever to do all this paper work. I gazed over the unfinished papers and felt my temper rise. Without thinking I clamped my hands onto the desk and flipped it over, papers flew everywhere and I only got more frustrated. I regretted everything once it was all over. I breathed in deeply and walked over to the mess I made.

A sudden and surprising pain throbbed in my foot as I realized what happened. 

I stepped in glass.

"Fuck! Holy mother fuc-" my yelling was blocked off by the doorbell

"fucking shit-" I clenched my jaw and limped through the hallway.  

I noticed that blood was leaking from my foot, the pain was still there. I put only one shoe onto my other foot and opened the door. "Hey I think your mail-" I pushed Anthony out of the way ignoring what he was saying. "The hell?" 

I went down the driveway and forced myself into the car.

"Can you lock my door?" I asked starting up the car "you know where the key is." 

He must of seen the blood trail when he gasped "whoa are you alright?" 

"I stepped on glass" I opened the car door and shut it again. I could still drive myself to the ER. Anthony opened my side of the door "you can't drive like that, you'll get into an accident." I groaned in annoyance "it's not like I broke my whole leg Anthony, I can drive." I pulled the door towards me, before it could shut it was stopped by Anthony. "No you can't, get out I'll drive you." That done it, I was officially more pissed off than I already was "I don't need your help you dimwit, why do you always do this. I am capable of fucking driving!" 

"Who's going to be the real dimwit when you get into car accident, so I kindly as you to step out before I yank you out." 

I realized that if I continued to argue anymore it would just lead to something I would regret. I got up and glared at him as I got to the other side of the car. Once we were both in the car was dead silent. Trying to avoid this I turned the music on and went on my phone. 

"Kalel we need to talk" he turned off the music, "what do you want?" I looked out the window.

"I'm moving, well me Ian and Melanie are"

I looked at him "What, why?" 

He shrugged "Were moving to another city, everyone agreed that they don't feel safe here anymore." I tried to ignore him, I tried to ignore the pain in my foot.

"I've found a new girlfriend"

My jaw dropped "Seriously! Why does the keep fucking happening! You keep finding new girls and everything turns all fucked up!" I shouted. "What are you saying I can't date anymore? Kalel you're so fucking selfish!" 

He stopped the car at the entrance of the ER "oh fuck you." I got out and slammed the door. 

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