The Last Time

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~ Trisha's P.O.V ~

I Sat up regretting everything I did, I forced myself to start heading for their house.

I knew they wouldn't want to see me again or whatever I needed to apologize,

Ok just turn left then you'll pass a park then you go across the street then you'll be in their neighbor hood I told myself repeatedly.

I passed the park were they filmed some of their Smosh videos, crossed the street.

Out of breath I climbed up a few steps and was on their front door, taking a chance I rang the doorbell.

I waited until I heard footsteps coming near the door, the front door opened.

It was Anthony, his face paled his eyes stretched wide open.

"Holy shit!" he yelled horrified, I clamped his mouth shut "Shh I don't want to hurt you"

He then passed out, did I really scare him that much?

Just then Ian came out of the hallway with a glass of water he took a sip then once he saw me and Anthony on the floor looking dead he started to choke on his water he dropped the cup.

Glass scattered everywhere "oh my god!" he screamed like a little girl.

I waved my hands around innocently "No, no I didn't kill him! I don't want to hurt you guys!"

He fell to the floor passed out, am I really that scary?

I smacked my forehead well no shit you basically almost murdered all of them.

But I was truly sorry I feel horrible about what I've done, it feels almost all this weight has been lighted from my shoulders.

Just then Melanie ran from the hallway "What's going on?" then she saw me over Anthony's passed out body next to Ian's

Her eyes widened she started to back away slowly "no! Please listen to me! I didn't kill them I just wanted to say sorry!"

She then fell dropped to the floor too.

Why does this keep happening?

Kalel walked up the porch "you guys woke me up!" then I turned around

Her face went pale, she saw all the bodies that were collapsed to the ground looking like I killed them.

"Somebody help me!" she screamed at the top of her lungs, of course she passed out too.

I walked over and dragged her inside, quickly so nobody thought I killed her too. I closed the door, and put Kalel on the couch.

I picked up Anthony and laid him on the ground putting a pillow under his head, I did the same to the rest of everybody that passed out.

I started to clean up the glass and dried the rug from the spilled water.

Anthony started to twitch, I sat in front of him waiting for him t wake up.

His eyes blinked open, he went pale again. "T-Trisha..." he stuttered

"Anthony please listen to me and don't pass out this time!" I tried to sound calm.

"I'm not going to hurt you I swear" I said softly

I could tell he was slipping in and out of cautiousness.

This is the only way to show him I'm not going to hurt him, I leaned in and kissed him.

He looked at me confused the paleness went away, I've really wanted to do that for a long time and I finally did.

"why did you just kiss me?" he sat up, "You would have passed out again if I didn't" I protested

He had a little smile on his face, soon it faded

"I thought you died back there" he gave me a glare "you almost killed everyone I've loved"

I frowned "and I'm really sorry, I really am I should have never done any of those things, I should have died in that fire"

He clenched his jaw "I'm never going to forgive you for whatever you say or do"

"I know, It will never forgiven" I said calmly

"You should go before everyone else wakes up" he said through his teeth

"I'm going to leave, go somewheres where no one will find me I want to start fresh again" I determined

"All can't be forgotten remember that" he glared at me, I softened my glance

"I'll never forget the first time I met you, that guilt I had when I saw Rex beating you up. Or that time when you took me ice skating for the first time..." I slightly laughed

He smiled a bit, "yeah..."

"It was good while it lasted" he added

I felt pain in my heart, "while it lasted" I echoed

I started to make my way to the door, "I know I can't be forgiven but I just wanted to say sorry" I opened the door, "why did you change Trishana?"

I felt happier when he said my real name "nobody calles me that anymore"

"maybe they should, but you need to answer my question"

"I felt jealousy when I saw you help Kalel, I wanted to male sure that you were mine forever"

"you already were at the time, I just wanted to be a nice neighbor" he glanced

"Well it's already too late, I can't redo anything anymore" I felt sadness consume me, "Goodbye Anthony"

I walked out the door, once I did I knew this would be the last time I would ever come onto this doorstep again.

I smiled, I knew he did love me but it didn't matter now. all was done and nothing can be changed.

~ Anthony's P.O.V ~

I felt jab of sadness as she left, I know she did almost killed me and everyone but for some reason she felt like the old Trishana...

I did know I had Callie, but my heart would always truly lay with Kalel.

No question about it, I never once stopped loving Kalel...not ever.



Just saying if you thought so ;D

I just wanted to end the chapter like this cuz it's the last chapter Trisha will be in so I wanted it to be special :]

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