Behind You.

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Yo! I'm back. Yeah, I've been a little off about wattpad and all that junk. I was browsing around and came back here, wow. I'm so grateful for you all! You guys really made me smile, I may have some ideas leftover. I'm going to change some things up, it's been over a year now I think? I can't remember, I'm not regretting anything anymore. I'm ready for this, no more running away from my life on here. I'm going to face it. I shouldn't just give up simply because I'm not feeling up to it. 

Let's go though this together shall we? <3

enough babbling on, c'mon let's get started already. > _>


"Wasn't trashing her house enough?" 


"Are you going to stop with all the child's play? isn't it time to get down with what we're planning to do?"

"Not yet, she doesn't know about us yet. Wait for your turn."

"You...You know I hate waiting."

"Shut up! I said wait you ignorant fuck."

"Not yet, but soon. Trisha failed us, you know we can't use anyone else. We are the only people left."



It didn't take us long to finish talking to the police, they were'nt much help. 

"We can't do anything about it, not until we get some solid information." Anthony sighed quoting the officer's words. "I know, but that doesn't make me feel any safer."

"You have home security right? should'nt have your alarm went off?" The question hit me, why didn't it go off? did the intruder have a spare key? 

No, I gave the last one to Melanie. Wait. Melanie!

"Melanie! toss me the spare key I gave you."

She hesitated looking at me for a moment before digging into her purse, a confused look spread across her face. Papers and lipsticks were soon taken out "That's weird" she mumbled, everything inside her purse was on the couch, she flipped it upside down and shook it a few times.

"It's not there?" her expression grew as she glanced at me. 

I knew it, something is off here.

"I'm sorry Kalel, I can't find it." She gave me an apologetic smile. My questions only grew bigger.

"Are you sure?"

Anthony clutched onto my wrists, "Yes I'm fine, the hotel is only a few blocks away. I'll be okay." 

"You can stay with us at the house like usual nights." 

"Nah, I'm good. I just don't feel comfortable being all up in everyone's business" I was referring to Jennifer and Callie. I mean, c'mon. I can't have one decent conversation without awkward silence. 

"Please be safe, I would hate if anything happened to you." 

"I will, okay? you're acting like a clingy boyfriend-" I stopped, shit. He's not my boyfriend anymore. "A clingy person." 

"Alright. Alright, I'll visit you tomorrow." he let go of me, "you don't have to,"

"I want to."

"Whatever, I'm off" I opened the car door.

Soon I was already out of the shower and texting Melanie in my bathrobe on the bed.

K: "Did they say anthing about me? :/"

M: "Nah, just the 'I feel so bad for her' kind of thing, honestly. I swear they're planning to take over our lives. You know what? I think they've got something to do with Trisha =_="

K: "Trisha is old news, she's living in Texas now isn't she?"

M: "Yeah, you're right. I mean, how do they even know Ian and Anthony??"

K: "No idea, they just came from nowhere. Seriously, how did Anthony even end up dating her? I'm guessing they're childhood friends or something...?"

M: "probably, but you know what? I think that Jennifer girl is trying to hook up with Ian Q^Q"

K: "): I can tell. She's flirting with him like, ALL THE TIME"

M: "I see that. It's so obvious :P"

I was in the middle of typing back until a slam came from the door. Curiosity hit me, was it Anthony? I told him too come tomorrow-

Another slam followed after another one. Peeking through the door hole my eyes gazed upon Ian. Isn't he with Jennifer? 

Frowning I opened the door, "Ian, what are you-"

He reached out towards me and grabbed my shoulders, "You have to leave." what? "Ian..." "No Kalel, this isn't a joke. What you're dealing with here is way beyond Trisha, you don't know whats going to happen to you. Trisha was only the start, she was only person they hired. Trashing your house was only child's play. These people...they're scary...they. They-"

"Ian, calm down you're talking way to fast. Are you sick again, have you been taking your pills?"

"Kalel! This isn't what you think it is, that house wrecking? It wasn't Trisha. It wasn't a burglar."

"Ian. How do you know this?"

He stopped shaking, he looked behind me and froze. "Nothing. Sorry, it was just one of my phases again." he said still looking behind me, I tried to look too, but his grip was tight I felt like it was bruising. "Why did I come here again?" his head turned to me slowly, his eyes not parting from the other side of the room. "How did you figure out where I was?" he didn't answer, he just smiled and apologized and left.    That isn't like him at all, sickness or not. 


Hello again! Sorry. I'm getting my laptop completely wiped out tomorrow so I'll have to stop here. </3

I know. I know, I'll start working on a longer one tomorrow, nothing can save on here so I have to update it now. Thanks for waiting!


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