Just A Few Updates.

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I honestly don't know what to type here but.

Hey. I haven't been doing "good" so far. I'm going to high school and what not. Things are going to be different. I really haven't changed that much from when I first

started everything. Things are changing but I'm not. I'm trying really hard

in writing. I just don't have time.

Through the years on wattpad I can see my past.

That's why it's so hard to delete some of my stories.

I was more satisfied with writing back then I didn't bother

to check for grammar, mistakes. Not anything,

I just typed all my thoughts on there. I do still cringe very hard

when I read all my old books. I'm considering deleting "Truly"

But I can't.

Something keeps me from doing it. I do admit I'm ignoring wattpad. I'm being selfish again, but I don't know if I want to continue.

Now it's like I really hate writing because I can't do it right,

and when I see I didn't do something right. I can't enjoy it anymore.

I guess looking back, I have changed a little. I just can't enjoy things

anymore. I'm so pathetic for having a idea of logging back on

and saying I died. That's not even funny to think about

Because people actually do die, and it's not something you

should be lying about.

I used to be this always doing without thinking happy person that

was obsessed with two guys and one of their girlfriends that

didn't care.

I changed.

I'm still trying to figure out how to cope with it.

I can get easily mad and frustrated now.

Haha, I'm starting to sound like some depressed person

with anger issues.

That's not funny either to joke about,

you see? I'm always doing that.

I always regret things.

I'll get back to writing more chapters guys,

thanks for sticking around.


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