Ch. 18 Visions or Dreams? (pt 2)

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Sam's dream

Where am I?? Liana! I see her back in the lab the evil people held me in. This is very horrible, why is my dream about this? I walked up to Liana, only to see that she is cold as stone. This can't be possible! She can't be dead! Soon the dream started to shift, and all I see is this girl with frizzy hair. Could this be Carla that Liana has been talking about?

I walk up to her "Hello Sam, I heard so much about you", she began to say. "I can't talk much, so someone else will be talking to you. Please protect Liana for me and take care of yourself and her."

Then she disappeared.

Then a new figure appeared. It looked like Harry. "Hey Sam. I have came to warn you. You and your girlfriend aren't safe. Those men that captured you, they have a plan to capture you or Liana."
I got pissed off, they are going to try to hurt Liana! Over my flipping dead body!!
"Sam, I have seen it. It doesn't look good for you. Just be extra careful now. Now time to WAKE UP!!!!"

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