Ch. 23 Magic?

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3rd person

Liana started getting very upset, and felt some power inside. Then within seconds, a fireball just came out of nowhere and disintegrate the zombie. Liana ran over the Sam, and helped him up and ran back to the classroom. Sam started to worry. Liana's dream about the evil man talking about Liana's potential in magic was coming true. Liana was scared and surprised that she could do that, but now it made her more dangerous to everyone if she couldn't control it. Liana never knew she could do magic like that. Sam took Liana to go find their friends and got them together.

"What is going on, Sam? What's wrong?" Most of their friends started to ask.

Sam told everyone everything that just happened. Some were OK with it, some were surprised, and others were happy.

"Sam, almost all of us can use magic, we didn't know until now. Natalie was just first, then all of us just started to practice doing magic. You can do it, but you just never found the need of using it. You also have the potential, you just need start learning like all of us. Even Liana. She can be safe, and not be dangerous as long she practice, with the help of Natalie." Rachel started to say. "All of us that can speak telepathically, we can do magic. That's when we learned we could use magic, we just never learned how to. Natalie has been training us. Each one of us can control certain thing, but we are still new at this though."

"So Liana will be safe if she starts to practice? " Sam asked.

"Of course." Replied Natalie.

After a week of training, there was almost nothing Liana could not do. She could control everything. And I mean anything! One day, when the school flooded it so bad, Liana accidentally fell in the water, but just as Sam was trying to save her, she used part of her magic to control the water to bring her to the surface. Even though she almost got hypothermia, she learn to control her magic, and Sam saved her from hypothermia with some of his undiscovered magic. And by the end, everyone could do magic. And now, the zombie apocalypse has finally meeting to the end......

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