Chapter 1

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"If a person keeps coming back and you love each other enough to keep forgiving the past mistakes, maybe you were really meant for each other."  -Unknown

Jane's Point Of View:

"Shut up you fucking asshole!" I say to Joey Grant as he teases an innocent kid in the courtyard.
"Okay, dyke." He snaps back.
"What? Are we talking about your mom?" Barry asks, walking up behind him. Barry shoves him roughly and put his hand on my shoulder as we walk into the two story building.
"I hate school." I complain as we walk up the two flights of stairs.
"We're only three weeks into the school year, it's too early for you to be complaining." he replies as we walk down the long hallway to our AP bio class. I put my hands in my Boston Red Sox sweatshirt pocket and lean against the painted brick wall.
"I didn't do my homework." Barry says breaking the silence.
"Kingsley's gonna kill you." I say as the bell echoed throughout the hallways. We shuffle into class and head straight to the back desks like usual.
"Okay class, please direct your attention to the front of the class. We have a new student." Ms. Kingsley says.
"We get a new kid like everyday." I whisper to Barry rolling my eyes. I look at the front of the class and my eyes connected with hazel ones. The eyes look so familiar but I can't place them. In the front of the class stood a shy, average height, honey blonde girl. She is clearly rich. Her coach purse on her shoulder, her stilettos making her seem taller than she really was, and she wears a skin-tight, red dress. If I didn't know better, I would have said she looked more like she was going to a club, or a fancy dinner and not high school.
"Country mice, meet city mice." I whisper to Barry.
"What is she doing here? Shouldn't she be at the richy-rich high school. That dress costs $500, easy." Barry says
"Are you lost ma'am? The strip club is at the end of the street." Joey blurts
"Shut up Joey, you're just jealous cause she's out of your league!" I yell across the room.
"And you think you have a better chance?"
"Way better than you. Hell, dead man at the cemetery has a better chance than you."
"Burn!" Another kid blurts
"Would you like some Aloe Vera for that burn?" Asks a random kid with bright blue hair, who has no importance whatsoever and just wanted to be a part of the Cool Kids Club for once in their no good, rotten life that was a mistake made in the back of a Macy's.
"Or can your mom not afford it?" Barry then blurts
"Okay, that's enough!" The teacher yells, slapping a random kid in the face with a ruler. I shrug and put my earbuds in my ears attempting to block out the annoying people in my life.
"Please tell the class your name." I hear the teacher say scrolling through my music.
"I'm Maura Isles." I hear the soft voice say right before I pressed the Five Finger Death Punch song. I rip the earbuds out of my ears and look at the new girl with her strangely familiar eyes, making eye contact with her. In this moment I realize the girl that left my life abruptly six years ago is back.
"Barry, that's-that's her." I say hitting his arm.
"The girl you had sparring with, then she left without saying goodbye and never came back."
"You there! Go sit next to Jane, in the back!" Yells the teacher, pointing to me. I can feel my heart racing and my face getting red. Maura walks to the back, with her head down. I keep my head slightly down, my hair covering the sides of my face. I can feel those hazel eyes look at me every few seconds.
"Talk to her." Barry whispers
"Are you crazy?!"
" Are you cliche? Just talk to her, stop being so melodramatic. God." Barry says, sucking on a lollipop that somehow appeared in the last ten seconds I spent not talking to him.
"Stop talking!" the teacher yells. I grab my notebook out of my bag and start copying down the notes. I look down, realizing I have accidently been writing Maura's name and hearts on my page, instead of the notes.
"Shit." I whisper grabbing Barry's attention who notices the page and began laughing like a cow, but quietly. Embarrassed, I make sure Maura doesn't see and rip the page out, stuffing it in my bag.
"Shut up." I snap turning to a blank page attempting the notes again.

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