Chapter 13

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"I'm sorry sometimes I get a little jealous, thinking that someone could make you happier than I could. I guess it's my insecurities acting up. Because I know that I'm not the prettiest, smartest, or most fun and exciting girl. But i do know that no matter how hard and long you look, you'll never find someone who loves you like I do." -Unknown

Maura's Point of View:

"My parents want to meet you before we go." I tell Jane when she comes to pick me up in her Shego outfit, myself dressed as Kim Possible. I adjust the black crop top so it covers more of my stomach, before I walk Jane up to my doorstep, where my mother and father walk out almost immediately and look Jane and I up and down.
"How... precious." My mother says, her eyes set in a glare. I roll my eyes quickly and grab Jane's hand.
"Dad, mom, this is Jane. Jane, these are my parents."
"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Isles." She says holding her hand out.
"Hello Jane, it's nice to meet you." My father says giving her a firm handshake. They let go and we all stand there awkwardly, my mother looked annoyed.
"Well, now that we're all introduced, we've got to go." I say, trying to pull Jane away.
"Well, we better get going so we aren't late."
"You girls have fun." My father says and we give him a smile.

When we get to the party at Devyn's lake house, it's already in full swing, even though it had just started, like, fifteen minutes ago. Jane grabs my hand and leads me through the crowd of people. At the alcohol table, Devyn, Lip, Barry, and Nina are chatting.
"Hey you guys finally made it."
"Sorry I had a little meet and greet with her parents." Jane says.
"Oh. How did that go?" Devyn asks.
"Her dad is cool, but her mom hates me."
"She does not." Maura says squeezing my hand.
"Mhm, sure." She says under her breath but still loud enough for me to hear.
"Well, here. Loosen up." Barry says handing me and Maura a cup full of alcohol.
"So much femininity for such a badass." Jane says raising an eyebrow at Devyn looking at her Daphne costume.
"Badasses can be feminine." She replies.
"What are you two anyway?" Barry asks.
"I am Kim Possible and Jane is the evil villain Shego. From that cartoon Kim Possible." I say proudly and they give Jane a look.
"It was her idea." Jane says throwing her hands up in defence.
"I thought it was cute." I say furrowing my brows and taking a sip of my drink.

About thirty minutes into the party Jane, Barry, and I were sitting at the table in the backyard. Barry decided it would be a good idea to go through Jane's ex's.
"Remember Jace?" Barry asks starring to laugh.
"Who's Duke?" I ask curious to know about Jane's ex's."
"Duke was this guy who cheated on Jane with her best friend, when she moved to Florida." Barry explains.
"Loser number 3." Jane says
"We can't forget about Loser number 1." Barry says turning to me.
"Loser number 1 was this guy named Chad. He was all sweet and then he started becoming abusive. Then after Jane dumped his ass he started stalking her, Jane had to get a restraining order. I think he's actually in jail now."
"Can we not? I'm not drunk enough to go through all my life's worst mistakes. But don't worry Maura, you're way too nice to end up on my loser list." She says looking at me and I give her a forced smile.
"How many guys have you said that too?" Barry says laughing
"You said that to Jace. Jace is the last guy Jane dated. They liked each other a lot. But then he found someone else and they broke up mutually. But Jane was low key torn apart." Barry explains.
"This is why I'm so happy to have Maura. At least I know she won't shred my heart." Jane says leaning her head on my shoulder. I give her an awkward smile, unsure of how to respond. Luckily, Devyn comes to my aid, coming into the room and yelling drunkenly, "Let's play Truth or Dare!"
"Get me a drink and I'm down." Jane says and Devyn heads back in the house, reappearing a few seconds with a red Solo cup.

After everybody gets a drink, we sit around a makeshift bonfire made of logs and alcohol, lit using the power of Lip's lighter. While the rest of the party goes on inside, we sit out there in our own little world, having fun with our group of friends, forgetting anybody else exists.
"Devyn, truth or dare?" Nina asks, and Devyn looks at her as if it isn't even a question.
"I dare you to... Go skinny dipping in the lake." Everybody looks at Nina, not expecting that, especially not from her. Devyn shrugs, taking off the scarf, shoes, and tights in front of us, before walking over to the dock and taking the rest of her clothes off. It's too dark for any of us to see, luckily. She jumps into the lake, butt naked and surfaces again with a scream from being engulfed in the cold. She pulls herself out and the rest of us laugh as she redresses, walking over and putting her scarf and tights back on, leaving her shoes off. Lip smiles at her and wraps his arm around her. We continue with the game, but Devyn and Lip stay out of it, instead opting for making out.
"Awe, look, it's the land of misfit toys." Hailey says, walking up wit her goons.
"Why don't you make like Regina George and get hit by a bus?" Devyn asks, leaning away from Lip to look at her. Hailey glares at her.
"You are such a bitch, Devyn, I don't even understand why you're popular." Devyn stands, stepping over her makeshift seat and putting her hand on Hailey's shoulder.
"Don't think about it too hard, sweetpea, there's a lot of things you don't understand." She says and Hailey slaps her hand off of her shoulder, looking over the rest of us.
"Yeah, don't want you to strain yourself." Jane says before Hailey can open her mouth, and I smile at her before nudging her slightly.
"Yeah? Well, your mother and I have been talking, she says you're a disappointment just like your fucking brothers. And what? Your dad is too, to be honest, he cheated? Was he really not into her? Just think about it, you aren't special, you are just like literally everybody! And neither is your bitch, she's just a spoiled brat experimenting with girls so she doesn't have to do it in college-"
"Shut up! Shut the hell up!" Lip yells out of nowhere, pushing her from where he sits. She gasps, moving backwards.
"You have no idea what you're saying, so leave them alone and get your skank-ass out of here. You're just here to start something, and I know it because all you want is attention. You are just jealous that Jane chose Maura over your sorry ass! And you have no right judging! You've been trying to get with Jane since the minute you came here!" Lip rants, breathing heavy from anger. Hailey rolls her eyes, despite the tears.
"You will regret this! This isn't over!" She yells before leaving with.posse away from us.
"Wow, Lip. You alright?" Ian asks, walking up to us with a guy a little older than he is. Lip nods as Devyn takes his hand and sits back down with her. He puts his arm around her and she leans into him.
"I'm tired,"I tell Jane, and she looks at me.
"Wanna get outta here?" She asks and I nod, before we stand up and say our salutations. Jane and I walk to her truck, and she looks at me. "Let's get you home."

Jane's Point Of View:

I pull up to Maura's house and put the gear into park.
"I had a fun time tonight, thank you for being my date." I say trying to avoid the awkward tension from the conversation earlier. She gives a smile and starts to open the door.
"Wait." I say grabbing her arm.
"I-I am sorry about that conversation earlier."
"I don't want to be this person who is holding you back from you want to do." She says looking down at her hands.
"I'm doing exactly what I want to do, I'm with you."
"Today you said that I wouldn't be the person to shred your heart, as you are right. I would never Intentionally hurt you. But I can't the nice person you date after a bad relationship because there is no risk involved. I've need to know I've some kind of impression on you." She says looking into my eyes.
"It's already done." I whisper moving in closer.
"Really?" She asks
"Oh yeah." I say moving in closer and giving her a kiss.
"Jane, there's something I need to tell you. I've been wanting to tell you for a while, but it's kind of a downer." Maura tells me, leaning back away from me.
"What is it, Maur? Are you okay?" I ask, putting my hand on hers.
"No, Jane, I'm not. I haven't been since my parents told me I'm adopted." She sighs heavily, looking out the window like she was in a sad movie or a telenovela or something.
"So what? It doesn't change who you are, Maura. Even if you aren't their kid biologically, I'm sure they still love you." I tell her, bringing her hand up to my lips and kissing it.

It's Sunday and I have to get ready for church. I'm so not excited for this. I get to see my mom and tell the whole church I'm gay.
"Janie! Let's go!" Frankie yells from down stairs.
"I'm coming!" I yell back, closing my door. When we arrive at church I see my mom's car parked.
"This otta be interesting." I say under my breath walking up to the church.
"Hello Jane, how are we doing today?" Father Nathan asks
"I'm good, father. How about you?"
"I'm good thank you." I nod my head and find my seat. I look back and see Ma hugging Frankie and Tommy.

We sit through the ceremony, God do I wish they would sing anything other than Cat Stevens. He isn't even a Worship artist. I nearly fell asleep two times, and when it ends I stand up and start walking to the door. My mom hastily grabs my arm and pulls me back.

"Father Nathan, Jane here has a confession." She says, leading me to Father Nathan.

"Really? Would you like to go into a separate room? It has been a while since you've confessed." He asks, giving us a smile.

"No, Father, because I have nothing to confess." I tell him and my mother scoffs.

"Yes she does, Father. Jane has been dating another girl!" My mom exclaims and Father Nathan looks at me, almost appalled.

"So what?" I ask, rolling my eyes and crossing my arms over my chest.

"Is this true, Jane?" He asks and I sigh, nodding. "I suggest we put Jane into counseling."

"What the hell, mom?" I ask, looking over at her. "Does it even matter whether or not I like pussy? Would you be prouder of me if I was fucking some gigolo every other night?"

"Jane Clementine Rizzoli, watch your goddamn mouth. We are inside a church." My mother says, while Gladys, an elderly lady who often surprises my brothers and I with cookies and other baked goods, looks like I just shot and hung her seventeen cats.
"I'm tired of you not appreciating me for who I am!" I yell at her.
"I do, sweetheart. But this, we can fix this. Let us help you."
"What's going on over here?" My father asks walking over.
"Talk some sense into your daughter and let us help her." My mom responds.
"Come on Jane." Pop says grabbing my arm ignoring all them. We get back in the truck and the ride home is silent.

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