Chapter 3

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"Technically, I'm single. But my heart is taken by someone I can't have." -Unknown

Maura's Point Of View:

The next morning I wake up to my alarm blaring in my ears. I turn it off and sit up slowly. My head is pounding. I have a huge headache. I then receive a text from Jane.
Jane: Did you make it home last night?
Me: Yes
Jane: How'd you get home?
Me: I got a ride
Jane: Okay good, see ya at school
Me: Okay
I roll out of bed and head to my bathroom in my room. I search for the ibuprofen and took two. I then jump in the hot shower. As the steaming water runs down my body I start to relax. I lean against the tile wall and shut my eyes replaying last night in my head. After my shower I get dressed and head downstairs to the kitchen where my mother and father were.
"Good morning, darling." my mother say
"Good morning, mother, father."
"Good morning, sweetie." my father says drinking a cup of coffee and reading the paper.
"How did you sleep?"
"Good, you?"
"Good." she replied and I go back upstairs. I finish getting ready and hear my phone buzz.
Lip: I'm outside
Me: Okay
I grab my backpack and head out.
"Bye." I say to my parents before shutting the door and going to the black pick-up truck. When I get in the truck Lip immediately pulls me into a kiss.
"Well good morning." I say when we pull away.
"So, Maura, tell me about yourself." He says as he pulls out of the driveway then heads towards the school.
"Well, I'm a Junior, 16. I'm new to this school. I don't know. There isn't much to tell." I replies
"Any siblings?"
"Nope. I'm an only child."
"What about your parents?"
"My mother is an artist, and my father is a PhD. What about you?"
"I have a lot of siblings. Three brothers, and two sisters, and one half sister I just recently found out about."
"Your parents?"
"My father is a drunk, my mom is bipolar. My father is a fucking asshole and my mom left and comes back only when she needs something."
"I'm sorry." I say sympathetically.
"It's fine."
"How old are your siblings?"
"Well my half sister is like thirty, I don't really consider her family, don't know her she just showed up one day supporting our asshole father. My oldest sister, the one that takes care of us is twenty one, Ian is fifteen, Debbie is eleven, Carl is ten, and Liam is just a few months old." he explains
"That's a lot of siblings." I say
"Yeah, I would offer you to come by and meet them but, it's really chaotic." he says
"Well, I'd love to meet them." I say flashing him a smile.
"Why do you go to school here? Shouldn't you be at some rich boarding school?"
"I went to one in Italy, I hated it and begged my parents to let me go to a normal high school." I reply. After we get to know each other better, we pull up to the school.
"What's your first class?" He asks
"AP bio."
"I got history." He replies
"Want to hang out with me and my friends at lunch?" I offer
"Okay, I'll see you later then." I reply and he pecks my lips before we head in opposite directions.

Jane's Point Of View:

I pull up to the school with Barry in my passenger seat. I look around the parking lot for a certain black Lexus. I furrow my eyebrows when I don't see it anywhere.
"Maura isn't here, that's weird." I say to Barry
"Maybe she got so wasted last night she didn't come. You know what those hangovers do, especially to people who aren't used to drinking." He replies
"Yeah but I talked to her this morning."
"Maybe she is running late, calm down." He says getting out of the car swinging his backpack over his shoulder. When we get closer to the building I see the honey blonde kissing Lip Gallagher before heading into the building.
"Looks like blondie had fun last night." Barry teases and I punch his arm.
"Shut up. Let's go." I say pulling him into the building. We reach AP Bio, and see Maura leaning against the wall with a big smile on her face. I lean on the wall next to her and she doesn't notice.
"So it was Lip who gave you a ride home?" I say causing her to jump slightly.
"How do you know?" she asks her smile falling.
"I saw you kiss him on your way to class."
"Oh." she says and starts blushing.
"So, what, are you two a thing now?" I ask feeling jealously take over my body.
"Yeah, we are." she replies the smile creeping on her face again. I roll my eyes and walk into the class, Maura close behind.

I head to my seat in the back of the class next to Barry and Maura then take the seat next to me.
"Look came out from between the covers." Barry says leaning over and looks at Maura. I punch his arm and I hear Maura giggle.
"We didn't sleep together. He just dropped me off." She clarifies
"Not yet." I whisper to myself.
"Well, I'm happy for you. At least someone is no longer alone." Barry says hinting to me.
"Okay, just because you have Lip, you have Nina, and Casey has that Riley chick doesn't mean I'm alone. I prefer to alone. That way I don't have to deal with some guy's problem. Plus, I have people lining up for me." I say rather annoyed
"Okay class, settle down." The teacher says gathering the class's attention.
"I am giving you, your first project. You can have up to three people in a group, or you can work alone. This paper is your guide to help you. This is your first big assignment. It is worth 150 points, so I hope you guys don't half-ass it. You are to write a report on evolution vs creationism along with a poster or powerpoint. You are allowed to have notecards, but you must not read the notecard the whole time. You must memorize your part and use the notecard as a reference. Points will be deducted if you read word for word off your notecard. You will divvy up the work, you will all be responsible for your own part. Your presentation must be a minimum of two minutes and a maximum of five minutes. This project will be due Monday. That should be more than enough time to get it done if you use your time wisely. You will get today, Wednesday, and Friday to work on it in class. The rest of the work will be done at home. Please have one person in the group come up and get a paper for your group. You may begin." Ms. Kingsley explains to the class. I take it upon myself to get up and grab a paper. When I walk back to my seat, Maura and Barry are conversing about something. Right when I get back they quit talking.
"How about the three of us be in a group." Barry suggests and I nod. The three of us push our desks together and go over the directions.
"I will call writing about evolution." I say putting my name next to the first expectation.
"I want to write about creationism." Barry says putting his name by the next expectation.
"I will write the conflict between the two." Maura says putting her name next to the final expectation.
"I hate these stupid projects." I whine

Maura's Point Of View:

I can tell Jane is mad at me. She refuses to talk or look at me. She will only talk to Barry. When the bell rings, Jane jumps out of her desk and races out of the class.
"She hates me." I say to Barry.
"No she doesn't. I think she is just mad you didn't confide in her and tell her."
"It just happened yesterday. I didn't tell anyone."
"Just talk to her." Barry says patting my shoulder and we head to our next class.

I settle in my seat in the next class. I was writing notes when I feel my phone buzz in my lap. I glance down to read the text.
Jane: Wanna come over after school?
I feel a big smile grow on my face.
Maura: Yes that will be fun.
I quickly reply before focusing back to my notes. The next two periods, I have a hard time focusing. I am just so fixed on the gorgeous Italian in my mind. I can't wait to hang out with her after school. After the bell rang, I head to the basketball field where I meet with Jane, Barry, and Casey. I walk up the bleachers balancing myself. Barry has his arm wrapped around Nina's neck holding her close, so is Casey with Riley.
"Where's Lip?" Jane asks
"I didn't hang out with him. I didn't know if you guys would be okay with it." I simply reply before sitting next to Jane.
"No, he can hang out with us. I don't have a problem." She says
"Did your mom say it was okay if I came over?" I ask changing the subject.
"She doesn't care, she never does." she replies as she replies to a text on her phone.
"Barry is coming over too. I was thinking we could work on the project, then just hang out." she adds placing her phone between us on the metal bleachers. I can't help but see the affection Barry and Casey have for their girlfriend. I really want that, with Jane. I push the thought away when I feel my phone buzz.
Mom: Honey, me and your father won't be home till later tonight. There is some left overs in the fridge you can have. Have a good night, love you.
Maura: Okay, i love you too.
I reply before setting my phone down.
"Was that your boyfriend?" Jane asks teasingly
"No." I say playfully punching her arm.
"So, how long you two been together?" she asks
"One day. It happened fast."
"You guys happy?"
"So far, yes. I think he's sweet."
"And what if he just wants to get in your pants, Maur?" Jane asks, her protective side getting the best of her.
"He doesn't!" I exclaim, scooting away from her. "Listen, Jane, I think I may really like Lip. So please, just let me see how this pans out."
Jane shruggs nonchalantly and looks over to Barry and Nina who are busy canoodling, then to Casey and Riley, who are also canoodling.
"Really guys?" Jane exclaims, her four friends looking up at her and shrugging, before continuing to canoodle.

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