Chapter 2

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"Don't judge my story by the chapter you walked in on." -Unknown

Maura's Point Of View:

I am so glad Jane forgave me for leaving without saying goodbye. It really wasn't my fault, I had no choice. I know I hurt Jane and I'm gonna fix things no matter how long it takes. I can tell Jane is reluctant when it comes to trusting me, and I guess part of that is my fault. It's been a week since I came back to Boston. I'm settling in a little, I still get bullied a lot but Jane sticks up for me. When Jane isn't there, I just ignore them. I'm walking down the hall glancing at the white walls that have posters hanging from them promoting school events. I am startled when I feel a hand on my shoulder.
"Wait up." Jane says pulling me back slightly so we were side by side.
"What are you doing after school today?" I ask
"Well I'm gonna try out for the girls basketball team, while Barry tries out for the guys basketball team." she replies removing her arm from my shoulder.
"Oh, cool." I say slightly disappointed.
"Oh, nothing."
"Really? Obviously it's not nothing." she says stopping me.
"I was gonna see if you wanted to come over after school."
"I wish I could, another time?" she asks as the bell rang through the hallway.
"Yeah, another time." I reply, she flashes me a smile before zooming down the hall to her next class. I stand there for a moment watching her disappear into the crowd of students. I then head to my social studies class. I go to my assigned desk in the front of the class that had to be next to Joey. I take a deep breath before I sit down knowing it was gonna be a long period.
"Hey, well look who it is, Maura-the-bora" he chants and I just grab my notebook out of my bag. I set it on the desk while I search for a pencil.
"Oh, what do we got in here?" He asks snatching the notebook off my desk.
"No, give it back." I say
"Why, what are you hiding?" he teases before flipping through the notebook.
"What do I see here?" he asks flipping to the back of the book. My eyes go wide when I realize what he found.
"Give it back?!" I scream catching the classes attention.
"Does someone have a little crush on Gayzzoli?" He asks looking at the page with Jane's name in big letters with a heart surrounding it.
"Give it back!" I scream before punching him the nose, doing more damage than Jane did a week ago. He drops the notebook and covered his now bloody nose.
"What is going on in here?" The professor asks as he walks into the classroom.
"Maura punched Joey!" A kid yells across the room to the teacher.
"Is this true?" The professor asks walking up to our desks.
"He took my notebook and wouldn't give it back after I asked him nicely." I say knowing I was in big trouble.
"I am required to send you to the office." He says writing two slips.
"Joey, you must go to the nurse." he says handing each of us a small slip of paper. I sigh as I gather my belongings before heading out the class.

On my way to the office, I take the long way and walk slow. I happen to pass by Jane's classroom. I look through the classroom window to see Jane with her earbuds in, doodling on a piece of paper like usual. As I am about to pass the window she happens to look up and see me. I stop and she furrows her eyebrows and I hold up the slip of paper that read 'Maura Isles, principal's office 12:30pm'. Her eyes go wide and I just nod my head and walk away. When I reach the office doors, I take a deep breath before heading in. I walk up to the front desk to the teacher who is typing rapidly on her keyboard.
"How can I help you?" she asks looking up from the computer. I hand her the slip without saying a word.
"Oh, yes, your teacher informed us you were on your way. Please have a seat, he will be out in a moment." she replies. I take a seat and stare at the floor as I wait for the principal.
"Maura?" The principal asks and my head shoots up.
"Yes." I say standing up, gathering my things, then follow him down the hallway into his 2x4 office. I take a seat in the black leather chair in front of my desk. I look around the room and see pictures and awards hanging from the white walls.
"Maura," he says grabbing my attention.
"Can you please tell me what happened?" He asks rather comely.
"I set my notebook on my desk and when I went to grab a pencil he took my notebook. I asked him nicely to give it back and he wouldn't. I asked him repeatedly so I punched him." I say looking down fidgeting with the ring on my right hand that had a heart with a pink diamond in the middle.
"This isn't the first time Joey has done something like this."
"He's been bullying me a lot." I say looking up the tears swelling in my eyes.
"Unfortunately, I have to give you detention. Since you have no prior misbehavior conducts and you are still new here, I'm only giving you detention for one day." He says writing me a pink detention slip.
"I understand." I reply taking the pink slip.

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