Segment 9

119 9 1

I could not sleep and kept tossing and turning .. I thought hard about a person in whom I could confide my feelings... of anger... shock.. and disgust ....and then it struck me that maybe I should go to the river side and talk to the nighmare guy .
( Yea i know its late.. but a girl can hope)... I don't know why but at this time he was only the recourse that I could find .. ..
I got up and headed towards the river side ..
the moon was shining bright as it was a
full moon night.. the water was calm with a big reflection of the Moon in the center ..the waterfall making light noise which calmed my mind ..I just retired under my favourite tree ( obvious I had a favourite tree as I have been going to this place since like ever ) and din't realised when I dozed off ...
his point of view -
I got up with a start ... I dont know why.. I hadn't seen a nightmare or anything like that ... the fan was on its usual speed ... I wasn't even thirsty ... nor was it morning .... then why..?
I sat up on my bed wondering what to do because sleep was miles away now... I decide to read my book ... naaah... that wouldn't do .. then to study..?? ... that would surely make me sleep ... tried it for 2 hours but got bored too soon.
then i thought about going for a walk in the garden...i changed.. and went to the garden .. my feet automatically turned towards the gate .. and to my surprise they were now heading to my favourite place the river side...
i reached and the scenery i saw there made my jaw drop ... in the admist of the whole beautiful scenery was her ... sleeping there like an angel and wad a coincidence she was wearing white too..her innocent face just complemented the scenery ..
I settled myself on the opposite tree and started soaking myself in her beauty..
I din't realise when I dozed off ...
her point of view -
when I got up in the morning .. I saw the nightmare guy sleeping peacefully beneath the tree opposite mine .. his mouth was a little open so I went up to him and closed it... all this while staring at his face.. his soft hair brushing against his forhead.. I lifted my hand to sette them back so that they wouldn't disturb his peacefull sleep...but soon I realised what I was about to do .. I quickly took control of my hand ... and the sudden realisation made me blush... I got up and ran all the way only to be stopping at the entrance of my room.

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