Segment 17

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her point of view-
why do those eyes haunt me still ..?? Why can't I relax and lead a normal life with my boyfriend ..
.why do I feel as a part of me was taken away by him that day .
the day I hurted him...the day I hurted myself...
I have fought with people before but nothing has ever effected me this much then why does fighting with him affect me ??
because of him I stopped visiting the river side
I will have to find my inner peace elsewhere....
.. this was getting on my nerves.. the more I try forget it the more those eyes haunt me....and then the unexpected happened ...
my dad returned ...
one day I returned from college and found him sitting in the hall.. I always thought that the wounds had healed but today seeing him in front of me the age old wound began to bleed again..he slowly turned and looked towards me... longing in his eyes..
longing for his daughter or at least that's what I thought ... he slowly got up from the sofa and headed towards me...I stared at him blankly expressionless... I recalled the incident of 8 years ago...the dreadful night ... his words... his departure
... he had extended his hands in order to hug me. but I jerked him away screamin as loud as my lungs allowed... "stay away" and just like the last time when he left I ran all the way up to the river side ...
on my way out I heard my mother call out to me ...asking me to forgive him... and her words drowned away as I was running at top speed...and only stopped at the river side ... he was there...yes the nightmare guy was there
... I ran into him and hugged him tight and he too reciprocated the hug..and I cried my heart out ..
his point of view -
I reached the river side and sat down under her favourite tree missing her ..all these months it had become my routine that everyday after my work I would come to the river side and sit under her favourite tree...
today I was earlier than usual..
when suddenly I saw her come ..she was crying .. soon she ran upto me and hugged me..her breathing was hard propably from all this running and crying ...
I took her in my embrace and stroked her hair to calm her down ... slowly her breathing became normal ..and i realised that she had stopped crying .. we parted...
I asked her the reason for all this to which she just ignored and hugged me back ..
her point of view -
I was so relieved to see him..after so many months ..I just ran upto him and hugged him..I knew he was the strength that I needed at this at this moment ...we just stood there hugging each other for a while .. his warm embrace and his tight comforting grip healing all my wounds...they dint ache anymore ... soon I composed myself and looked into his eyes and the memories of those questioning eyes came and hit me like realisation .. but today I couldn't control my emotions and hugged him again and muttered a sorry in his chest ...
his point of view -
my shirt was all wet with her tears . ..oh god why do girls cry this much.. at least she should have informed that today she will come and will cry in literes .. I wouldn't have worn my favourite shirt then... idiot me... here she was crying so hard and all I could of was my shirt.. how selfish of me ...stupid me and then I heard her mutter a sorry in my chest ...
Why was she askin me for forgiveness .. for wetting my shirt ?? ohh shut up again shirt... then why ??
I slowly made her face me...  She had beautiful sharp features ... those eyes just like drops of honey ... those lips..were so kissable ... her long hair ...just like Rapunzel's ...
I dreamed of climbing on them to reach her...of bridging this gap between us.. when she again said sorry withdrawing from my arms and I was back to reality
her point of view -
he pulled me out of the hug and just stared at me ... suddenly I felt shy in his gaze .. I couldn't ask him to look to distract him I started talking ...I apologised to him about my behaviour..he looked at me in the eye and said never do this to me again ...I won't be able to take it ...these few months were the worst time of my life...I found myself replying that I too felt the same and will never repaeat it...
his point of view -
I could see the guilt and repentence in her voice and it pained me to see her this way so I asked her wether she would allow me to complete the dance which we had left incomplete on my birthday ... to my surprise she agreed and we headed to our bridge ( oops... to the bridge on the river ) hand in hand stealing glances ( as usual )
her point of view -
he asked me for a dance ... I obliged ... right now I could agree to anything that would keep my mind off dad ( I don't know whether I would call him that ever again ) ..soon we were heading hand in hand to our bridge ( OK OK to the bridge on the river )
we reached the river ..he reached in
his pocket to remove his mobile and play the song but I stopped him saying that I would play the song today to which he agreed without any arguments ( thank God he dint argue. I don't know what answer I would have given him If he would have asked why..??)
soon I began going through my playlist when eyes stooped at a song and instantly I played it looking at him ..
soch na sake - airlift
his point of view -
I could not believe my ears ... did she love me ?? wow... at least her song selection said so...exited I extended my hand to her..and pulled her close ..she went all blushy blushy and hid herself in my chest that was a wonderful feeling ... we swayed silently with the music .. and then slowly I let go of her... she turned and smiled at me and again turned her back to me and that did it .. I hugged her from behind ..I felt her body stiffen
I gently planted a kiss in her hair .. and muttered that it was late and she should propably head home.

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