Lovers 10 Lovers

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Warning: There is going to be a lot of feels in this one. I hope you enjoy.

 When I got to the front of my mansion, I decide to play with my powers, so I turned invisible. I walked in very very quietly and shut the door so quiet no one would even know I was there I saw the other three sitting on the couch so I snuck up behind the couch and listen in on their conversation. "Daniel, I'm sure she's fine." Jimmy said with a hand on Daniel's shoulder. "She's a big girl I'm sure she can handle herself." Ally told him with a sigh, and I could hear the sarcasm in her voice. "I hope she can." "Are you calling me a little girl Daniel?" "Well I guess..... WAIT! WHAT!?" He turned around to face me and saw nothing he felt like he was going insane. "Are you really there or is it just me hearing things." "Nooooooo, Daniel, I am a gooooooghst, oooooooo, scary...... oooooooooo." I enjoyed mocking him. "Your freaking invisible." "HOLY HELL ADDY! YOU SCARED THE CRAP OUT OF ME!" Ally screamed. I turn visible slowly laughing, then I looked over to Jimmy and he was just looking at me away from his phone, staring at me. "What?" I asked Jimmy. "Nothing it's fine." He said staring at the arm couch. I walked over from behind the couch and rest my hands on the arm he was staring at. "Tell me." "That was probably the stupidest prank I've ever seen." My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. "D-didn't I scare you." "I once accidentally walked in on my mom while she was taking a shower so nothing scares me much anymore, and by the way that happened last week when I went to visit her." I giggled as Ally. "TMI, I hope that was the best day of your life." Ally said. "Trust me that was the worst day of my life." Suddenly Jimmy's phone, he looked at the number and then something about him changed he answer quickly standing up. "Hello......  I-I-I'll be right over." He ended the call then looked at Daniel. "Captain Sprinkles is...... he's." "You all right Jimmy? How's your cat?" "It got worse, he's hurting." "What?" Ally asked not knowing what was going on. "My cat, Captain Sprinkles my cat sitter said that he's laying in the cat room, meowing in pain...." "Oh......" "I-I-I- I got to go." He walked out the door and Ally watched him leave I could feel her sorrow for him. "Ally" I said in a whisper "go love him." she gave me a dirty look then sighed standing up running out the door to catch up to Jimmy, after she was gone, I sunk down into a seat next to Daniel, I laid my head on his shoulder. "My mom is gone...." "What?" Daniel said leaning back putting a hand on my shoulder. "Did you not get there in time?" "No, I got there." I could feel the hot tears falling down my cheeks. "But after they healed her... they said she did I a lot of bad things, so they put her on trial for life or death, and I wasn't there, a-and she got-" I just couldn't say it, just couldn't. "Death." Daniel whispered under his breath. "This is all my fault-" "This isn't your fault Addy, don't think that way." He said gently moving his hand from my shoulders to my cheek. "This is not your fault." He used his thumb to wipe away some tears that were streaming down my face. He leaned in close his lips inches from mine then he closed the gap between us, he kissed me with so much passion, but I kissed him back with even more, and then we couldn't stop kissing.

I ran to catch up with Jimmy. " I'm coming with you like it or not you can't go through this alone so no arguments." "Fine hop in Ally." I got into his convertible. And then we drove to his house.
He had a nice little house, maybe 3 or 4 bedrooms. We walked in, he led me to a small room at the end of one of his halls he knocked on the door, a woman answered she had light brown long hair, green eyes and was wearing a blue summer dress. She moved out of the away Jimmy walked in without any question and I followed behind. Then I saw the cat, he was an old cute calico cat, and he was laying on the ground I heard a small whimper come from the pore thing, Jimmy kneel down and said. "I think it's time Clarice." "I think so too Jimmy." The woman said. "So do you want to drive him to the vet." "No, I got somebody on speed dial you can just go home I'll call her up." "Alright, bye Jimmy." Jimmy got his phone and dialed a number.  The vet came by, I sat there with Jimmy, while she put down Captain Sprinkles after she left he picked up his cat and walked outside, it turns out Jimmy had already prepared a grave for him and it was under a lovely tree. He laid his cat inside the three-foot hole then he buried him with his hands, and then he just sat there on his knees staring at the grave, I put a hand on his shoulder. "I'll give you some alone time." "No." He said grabbing my hand and pulling me back. "Stay. Please?" "Alright." I sat down next to him. We sat there for a while in silence then he started pouring his heart out to me. "You know my parents don't believe me, they never thought that I couldn't help people with music and be their manager. My parents thought I was just some stupid person following a stupid dream." "You're not, you know that." He looked at me with his solemn eye. He grabbed my hand and held it. "Did you know I never had a girlfriend, girls never liked me. And I never thought I'd find someone that I like, that was until." He paused then his small little kitten Cupcake ran out the cat door and up next to me. "Awww, she is so sweet." I smile at her. I looked back at Jimmy smiling. "That was until I met you. I like you Ally a lot." He leaned in close his lips near mine. I close the gap between us and kissed him. I lean back before he could kiss me back. "I like you too Jimmy." Then he kissed me back.

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