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Hi! I am PoisonAshes and I am posting this in every book I have ever made on here and on my announcement page. PLEASE READ TILL THE END!

I have been a proud member of Wattpad for years and I honestly owe a lot to this platform and the people I have met on here! Every single one of you all helped me get through a really tuff time in my life, and I don't want to lose anyone of you!

I am now a small content creator, I stream, make TikToks and post vods on my YouTube! My name came from the name I had right here on Wattpad "PoisonAshes" but now on most platforms it is "PoisonAshesXX"! Recently I have been thinking a lot about moving to the website AO3, and that is mainly because I have learned I can post original books on there!

I was originally going to move to their and just leave all my old finished and unfinished works on here. However, after thinking things through I decided that all my unfinished works will stay on here, however I am going to be completely rewriting my only completed books on here which are, "Glory Of Who We Were" and "Addy Poison Apple".

Both of these books hold a special place in my heart even if I personally find them a little to cringe. They are the first two complete books o have ever written, and I honestly think I can write them even better than before!!

So, that's the plan! I will officially start publishing my works on AO3. Now I am doing this in a way that may mean it will take a while to actually posts anything. I am writing all my books completely out before ever posting them, that way readers won't have to wait to long if I get writer's block.

The first book I publish on AO3 won't be either of the books I mentioned, but instead is a new book that I have a passion for!

Either way I am making this announcement to both inform you all and to invite you all to join me on my content creation journey. I have been streaming for over a year now and I haven't made it to affiliate and I have no idea if I ever will, but I do know that my passion for writing and making stories will never die!

This is an invite to my discord!:

This is a link to my Twitch!:

This is the link to my AO3!:

These will all be on my board and in my bio!
Please if you want to continue with me on my content creation journey consider checking them out!

Addy Poison Apple (Book 1) {COMPLETE}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon