11 Golden Hearts and Poison Apples

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I woke up at 7:30 am to Daniel in my bed, me and him were rapped in the blankets, I lifted up from my pillow and rubbed my head....last night slipped from my mind. I smiled as I remembered last night and how great it was. I fell back down on my pillow which woke up Daniel, he smiled at me then kissed me and said with a sweet voice. "Good morning sunshine." "Morning." I said kissing him back. He sat up then looked at me and said with a smile on his face. "Let's get dressed and go down stairs for breakfast, I'm cooking." "Yeah, try not burn the house down. I'll meet you down there after an hour more of sleep." I said while yawning, and stretching. Then I closed my eyes and drifted back to sleep.


I walked happily in to the kitchen right behind Daniel while he was making one last pancake, I stood up on my tiptoes and hugged his neck from behind. "What kind of pancakes?" I asked. "Your favorite, plain and normal pancakes." He said slipping it on to a plate for me. "So, it took you an hour to make pancakes for both of us." I said walking over to the other side of the counter and slipping in to the the dark blue stool, he slid the plate with the pancake on it toward me, he walked over and sat in the other stool next to me. "No, it took me an 40 minutes to get ready for today and 10 minutes to make food, you should get ready too and get out of that gown." "Ready for what?" He was quite for a moment, then he looked at me. "I forgot to tell you didn't I?" "Tell me what?" I asked. "Well, you see, when your mom got shot I kind of figured my mom had something to with them trying to kill you." "You think." I said eagerly. "Anyways, I asked my father to set up a meeting with the Poison Apples so we could present that Poison Apples And Golden Hearts can be more than friends." He explained, he grabbed my hand and held it close. "I'm doing this for us Poison. Now eat and get ready, all right?" I hugged him tightly then said in a soft voice. "All right, my Macho Heart." He leaned back and gave me a lazy smile. "Did I just hear my first nickname, my Feisty Kitty." I playfully punched him in the arm. "Yes, you did." He removed a small stray peace of hair off my face and rested his hand on my cheek, I smiled and pecked his lips with mine. "Now, let me finish my breakfast." I said pushing him back. "All right I will try to get a hold of Jimmy and tell him where we're going." He got off the stool grabbed his phone and headed up stairs. I couldn't stop thinking about what Melody had said about me "not knowing what Poison Apples are." I mean I know my father was human, and I know I was reasd in the human world but I learned at a young age what the Poison Apples were what their laws were, but I never listened to them and I wasn't about to start, I was going to change the law about Poison Apples And Golden Hearts. Today is going to be great.

Hey, guys I know this is a short chapter, but my chapters are going to start having shorter chapters. I hope that you have enjoyed this book, now is going to be a few weeks before the next chapter comes out so, yeah.

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