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"I-I can't... haha I mean would but I can't just say yes" I said the sarcasm setting in my words. "What?" Daniel ask. "OF COURSE I'LL FUCKING MARRY YOU, YOU IDIOT, hahaha I love you too much to say no and I mean after what we went through I wouldn't just throw out your love like trash." I helped him up and he kissed me his kiss sent shivers down my spine and through my body and I kissed back more falling into his kiss, he smiled against my mouth. "Thank God you said yes." He said before his lip met mine again, his hands moving to the middle of my back gripping me closer as our body's pushed together. With every kiss he gave me I kissed him more than he kissed the time before, and then he stopped and looked into my eyes and I looked back into his misty blue eyes but I saw something in his eye it was a glimmer of hope just like Logan's eyes every time he looked at me, but I had forgotten this is Logan looking at me through a defendant set of eyes, but it was still Logan. I heard a knock at the door. "Who could that be?"  I asked looking back at the door. "I got it Addy." He said letting go of me. He walked to the door, and opened it to reveal Ally, and Jimmy. "Heeeeyyyy, Daniel. Where's Addy Killer Apple." She said with a smile. "Oh, wow Ally I see how it is with you." Daniel said. "Sorry, my best friend comes first. Always." She said with a giggle. "Sup Daniel." Jimmy said. "Sup Jimmy how-" Daniel cut himself off which was odd but then I saw it, Jimmy he wasn't on his phone at all! " what did you lose you're phone?" He said continuing to talk. "Hahehe, Nope its right here in her purse." He gesturing to her purse. "Um, Ally?" I said confused. "Yes?" She asked. "Did you find a guy that looks exactly like jimmy and hire him to be a fake Jimmy?" I asked. " Hahahaha, NO! no. It's the same old Jimmy." Jimmy walked up next to Ally and rapped an arm around her and smiled brightly."Yup the same old me." She giggled and smiled up at him, and that's when my mouth nearly dropped. I put my hand to my mouth and spoke." Holy shit! Ally!? You hooked up with Jimmy?" He started to crack up, but as for Ally she gave me a look like 'What the hell did you fucking say that?' "This is why I don't tell you about my relationships." Ally said. I tightened my lips together and marched right up to Jimmy and looked him in the eye angerly and put a finger to his chest. "You break her heart I break you. Understand?" He gave me a smirk and pointed to Daniel. "You break his heart, and will grab a bowl of popcorn and watch the whole thing play out." "Really Jimmy really?" "yup." I saw Ally giggle, and then I saw her eyes widen as her eyes saw my left hand anger flashed in her eyes as she Jimmy's hold on her and spun around to Daniel, and walked up to him and grabbed him by his shirt. "I can NOT believe you. WHY! Why the fucking hell did you propose to her with out even asking Jimmy to be your best man first." she yelled. "Hold up, your not mad that I proposed?!" He asked. "Of course not." She said smiling. "I'm mad that you didn't even tell your best friend that you were going to, also that you didn't fucking tell me." Daniel eyed her. "Are you sick? Cuz if so I will personally take you to the hospital." He said. "Oh, I hope not cuz then she might be-" Ally cut me off. "Don't you dear finish that sentence." "Preggers." I said laughing. "OH MY HELL TO GOD ADDY! That's it me and Jimmy are leaving the place of the embarrassing friends." She turned around grabbed Jimmy's hand and was about to leave when Jimmy stopped and pulled her to him close. Her cheeks burned hot. "I'm about to make this worse for Ally sorry love you." He told her with a smile. "Wait w-w-what the hel-" He cut her off and kissed her on the cheek. " I love you my new sweet kitty of love and beauty even thou we both now my cat is better than you." As soon as he said that he pulled away from her ran as fast as he could to the car. "Wait hold the hell up the cats better than me you're such a bitch Jimmy get the fuck back here I'm about to kick your ass!" And with that she ran after him leaving me and Daniel alone at last. "Well that was fun." I said as Daniel pulled me close. "And now it's just you and me" He said his lips covering mine.


Me and Ryan decided to go for a cruse in the light blue car. "Really the cat is better then me." I said with a light giggle. "Yes." He said back. "So, when are we going to tell them our real names and why we're here?" He asked. "Soon I swear."

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