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Rome POV
Kellica gets me so mad mane. We're currently at the hospital and the doctors are checking up on her.

She got some bruises on her cheek, arm and leg.

"Why are they taking so damn long?!" I said impatiently.

"Rome, they're probably finishing." Imani tried to calm me down.

"Yeah well it doesn't take them 2 hours to check someone." I sighed.

We waited for 20 more minutes until the doctor came out.

"Family of Amara Johnson?" He looked down at his clipboard.

"Right here." Imani and I stood up.

"What did you find?" She asked.

"Well, she got a couple of bruises and a broken arm." He adjusted his glasses.

"Broken-where did the broken arm come from?" I asked.

"We asked her what happens at home and she said that her mothers boyfriends beats her." The doctor explained.

"Imma kill that mutherfu-" I started.

"That is not gonna happen otherwise you'll both be unfit parents. She'll be put into care if you go and do something worse." Imani stopped me.

"She's right Mr Johnson. The best thing to do is to talk to the police about this." The doctor walked away.

We went into Amara's room and she was watching some Tv. First her getting shot, now this. Hell nah!

"You okay princess?" I kissed her forehead.

"I wanna go home." She whined.

"I know you do." I sighed.

"Are you feeling hungry?" Imani asked.

"Not now." She shook her head.

We talked with her for a while until Imani went. I had to stay here because I couldn't leave her alone.

Imani POV
This is too crazy. I was getting tired so I headed home. I drove Rome's car back home but stopped at the gas station to fill up the tank.

I was also feeling hungry so I bought some snacks for myself and for Amara so I can bring it to her tomorrow.

"Your always buying snacks at the gas station, ain't you?" I heard someone speak.

It was only Darrel.

"What do you want?" I sighed.

"Nothing, just thought I would say hi." He put his hands in his pockets.

"Hi." I said then walked off to the drinks aisle.

"Why you acting that way Ma?" He followed me.

"I ain't acting no way, this is how I act." I said bravely.

"So you act like this towards your man?" He asked.

"Why you asking so many questions?".

"Like I said, I'm just getting to know you." He winked.

I rolled my eyes then walked to the cashier. I paid for my stuff and for the gas then left.

I got back into my car then drove home. That guy must need something if he keeps on asking questions like that.
"Mani!" Amara said.

"Hey Amara." I kissed her forehead.

"I got you some snacks but you gotta save 'em." I told her.

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