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Imani POV
I ran around the whole track 3 times whilst trying to catch my breath. Once I was done, I put both hands on the back of my head and breathed in and out.

"Good one Imani." My teammates said.

"Thanks." I drank my water.

"Yes, it was so great that we decided in taking you to one of the biggest competitions." Coach said.

"Really?" My eyes widened.

"Yeah." He handed me a form.

"Thank you so much!" I squealed.

I walked back to my duffle bag and put the form in. I got my stuff together and headed to the changing rooms.

Luckily there was hot water so I took a quick shower and changed into my clothes. I brought my duffle bag with me to my car and saw Darrel leaning on it.

"You appear everywhere I go." I giggled.

"Not even a hello?" He opened his arms.

"Hey." I smiled.

"What brings you here?" I asked.

"I'm transferring here." He pointed at the old building.


"Yeah, at least I get to see your pretty face everyday." He bit his lip.

"Watch it.." I raised my index finger.

"Oh yeah, boyfriend." He shook his head whilst laughing.

"I saw you running, your pretty good." He nodded his head.

"Oh yeah?".

He nodded.

"Well thanks." I grinned.

"And I bought you some Chipotle." He showed me the bag.

"My favourite.." I stared at it nearly drooling.

I tried grabbing it but he moved it.

"Uh-uh." He said.

"But it's mine!" I whined like a child.

"Only if we eat it at the park." He said.

"Fine.." I rolled my eyes and chuckled.

We got into my car. He came with me because he came by bus. We drove to the nearest park and sat down as if it was a picnic.

"So, tell me about your future?" He asked me.

"I want to become a Lawyer.".


"Yeah, I've always wanted to become a Lawyer." I nodded.

"What about you?" I added.

"Me? Probably a basketball player or something.".

"Ooh, that's what Rome wants to do.".

"That's great." He smiled.

We talked for a while until it was time for us to go. We got into the car and I drove down to this nice ass neighbourhood.

"Are you sure this is where you live?" I asked him.

"What you saying?" He said.

"N-not in that way. I mean it's way too posh for you.".

"I like it here.".

We said our goodbyes and I drove off back home. Hopefully I'm not late.

Rome POV
"Why did you take long?" I asked Imani.

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