Chapter One

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Hello all my ninjas!  So here is the second book.  I really hope you enjoy it because I'm really getting a crack when writing it. 

Just so you know this book is going to be only seven to ten chapters long unless I'm enjoying writing it. 

Also that this book is mostly about Josh and Maci. 

Again, hope you like it. 

Love ya <3


Chapter One

I looked at the mirror to see a beautiful young woman that looked exactly me.

She wore a gorgeous strapless white wedding dress that dragged along the ground. It had a big black silk ribbon that wrapped around her waist, and did a criss-cross design at the back. The top cupped her breast nicely and hugged her belly tightly, but it looked good. Below the ribbon the dress starts layering out until it reaches the ground. Underneath is this frilly stuff that gave it the extra poof.

If you lift the dress up you see two pairs of black hightop converse. Yes, converse with a wedding dress.

Her dark brown hair that used to be mid-neck length is now long and with a nice silky wave, but for the wedding she has it curled so it falls in little ringlets over her right shoulder. At the top there's a little poof that makes it look bigger, while her bangs are cut short and parted to the right side.

This hairdo isn't solid from the hairspray. It's actually loose and doesn't have barely any hairspray at all.

"Stella you look absolutely beautiful." I looked over to see my mom standing in the doorway with tears running down her little face.

"Thanks mom, but looking in the mirror I just don't recognize the person I see." I half smiled at her.

"Everyone says that before they're married. You'll do absolutely fine." she reassured. I smiled at my mom and opened my arms for her to come and give me a hug.

After what went down a year ago I'm surprised my sister and mother are actually talking to me. After the way I treated my little sister Holly and my mother.

As mom let go I had to blink several times so that the tears didn't ruin my make-up.

"Oh sweetie, you're not suppose to cry." she laughed her sweet laugh that always warms up my day.

"Its a wedding mom— everyone cries." I chuckled.

"Okay. Well your father is waiting for you and doesn't want to see what you look like right now because that'll just make him break down and cry— I don't think you want that, so he's waiting for you outside." she told me as she twirled a ringlets around her hand. "By the way, where is Maci?"

I laughed, and thought to where she is. My mom looked at me weirdly. "She is probably in a closet somewhere making-out with Josh."

My mothers eyes widened in shock and disbelief. "Stella!" she squealed.

"I'm kidding mom. She's checking to see if the guys are ready." I told her still with a huge grin plastered to my face.

"Okay, now I'll see you when you walk down the aisle." Mom gave me one last hug. "Just remember that no matter what happened in our past. I love you sweetie. And don't let that underestimate that fact that I still don't approve of you wearing those shoes with the dress."

"I figured as much." I laughed and watched as she left the room.

As I stood at the edge of the long row of trees and saw everyone that sat in chairs facing the alter— my stomach literally did some weird back flip. Butterflies decided to start flying around and making me feel nauseous.

I Bust the Windows out Your Car ~ Book Two of MT Trilogy ~ BEING EDITED SEVERELYWhere stories live. Discover now