Chapter Twenty Five

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I have no excuse for why it took so long to upload except for the fact that I am so fucking lazy. :S

Well, here is the first part.

Chapter Twenty Five

*Maci's POV*

Nine months later…

"What about Alice?"

"How about Harmony?" Josh countered.

"Ester?" I tested.


"What about Rooney?"

"Rooney? What the fuck is Rooney?" Josh asked, scrunching up his face. "What about Harmony?" he mocked, making this more of a rhetorical question.

"Fine, we shall name OUR child Harmony. If you get to pick its first name, I'm picking the middle." I groaned, struggling to stand up with the huge belly, and walking into the kitchen.

"Maci, you are seriously going to make yourself si—"

"ROSE!" I squealed. Josh stood rubbing at his ears. "Uh, sorry Josh, but Rose would be a perfect middle name." Getting excited again, I started to jump around. That is until Josh placed both his hands on my shoulder to stop me.

"If you don't stop jumping, you'll be giving birth right here in the kitchen." Josh laughs nervously, taking his hands off my shoulders, he walks back to the living room.

"So uh, I think we need to talk about living arrangements." I announce, walking into the living room, but stayed standing.

"Maci, come with me to Vancouver." Josh pleaded, standing up as well, facing me with watery eyes. Fuck sakes Josh, don't do this.

"Josh I—" I was cut off by a pain in my stomach, and suddenly I was standing in a puddle of…water?

"Maci…" Josh stared down at the puddle, looking a little shaken.

"Don't just fucking stand there! Josh go and start packing, my water broke." startling him out of his zone.

"Right uh, what do you want me to pack? I've never been in this situation, I don't know what to do." I could easily tell Josh was about to have a mental break down, and I really hope he's never been in this situation.

"You freak out, I will fucking kill you!" I yelled, as Josh runs around the loft, searching for stuff. Honestly, don't freak out a pregnant woman, pregnant woman who are freaked out is like digging your own grave.

Josh ran down the stairs, quickly helping me to change into dry clothes, and rushing out the door with me trailing behind. "I need to call Stella!" I say, pulling out my phone, and dialing the all too familiar phone number.

"Hello?" A familiar voice filled my ears.

"Stella, guess what!" I yell, maybe I am a little too excited at the moment.

"What do you want Maci?" Stella asks.

Rolling my eyes, I reply, "I'm in labour! I know you are in Vancouver, but I needed to call and tell you." Jumping up and down in my seat. Josh placed a hand on my thigh, hoping to calm me down.

"Oh my god! Congrats Mace!" Stella says, no enthusiasm in her voice at all. "I call not ever baby-sitting."

"You are unbelievable. What are you going to do when Ian wants kids?" I ask in a mocking tone.

"He can adopt, I'm not going through the pain of giving birth. Besides, you know I hate little kids."

"Yes I know that, you are seriously completely screwed up, honestly. How do you not want a kid?" I asked. I never really wanted a kid either, but I cannot change that now. Besides, I actually think this is going to be interesting.

I Bust the Windows out Your Car ~ Book Two of MT Trilogy ~ BEING EDITED SEVERELYWhere stories live. Discover now