Chapter Eighteen

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Here is my eighteenth chapter my little ninjas. Wow this book is going to be much longer than the first one. The first book ended at chapter seventeen.

Anyways, I bought Carly Rae Jepsen's new CD-EP on iTunes, and I can't stop listening to it. She's my favourite female singer. Curiosity sounds a lot like B-Team and Desperate Measures though, but it's not that big of a surprise.

BTW!!! irish202 wrote most of this chapter, so for it being super awesome, thank her.

Well hope you like this chapter.

Love Ya<3


Chapter Eighteen

I didn't know whether or not to be pissed off or worried that this isn't going to end well. I can't really blame my mom though because she never knew that I had a boyfriend. I don't talk to her that much. But Logan should have said something. I would have told Josh to stay behind.

I didn't really know what to say. I'm surpised Blaine hasn't said anything yet either, normally he doesn't shut up.

I wanted to say something to him, but before I could get anything in Josh came into the room and went right up to Blaine. "Hey I'm Josh." Are you fricken kidding me? This is so not going to end well.

"Hi, are you Josh Ramsay?" Blaine asked. I slapped my hand against my forehead.

"Yes I am." Josh said proudly. "How do you know Maci and her family?"

"Old friend." he replied with a sly smile.

"You got to be fucking kidding me." I sighed and spun on my heal.

"Maci where are you going?" Josh called after me, but I didn't stop.

"Just let her go." my mom said.

I jumped down the three steps that lead down to the next level, and took off to the other side of the little white den.

I stood in front of a shelf built into the wall. I searched around the top shelf for the latch underneath a book full of blank pages.

Once I found it I pulled towards me to open the secret door. I quickly opened it and slipped inside.

The secret room is my favourite place. No one knows about it except for Flynn. We got it built when my mom was in Quebec on a business trip like four years ago. Those were the easier days. Our mom knows about it, but no one else does. Not even dad. Mom hasn't ever been in it because she thinks it's a good idea to have our own little place for quietness.

The room is big enough to be someones bedroom, but Flynn and I made it our little hideout.

I walked down the little tiny hallway to the room.

The walls are a violet purple with a tiny of blue in various spots. Three bean bag chairs sit in the far with a laptop placed on one.

A black computer desk is placed on the far right wall that's littered with little art canvas' for Flynn.

On the other wall is a flat screen TV, and underneath is a boom box. Not that we use it much because than we would give away our hideout.

The roof has different coloured lanterns and stars hanging from it to obviously give it light, but to make it seem cool.

I walked over to my black beanie bag chair and slumped down into it.

I can't believe this is actually happening? Can I like kill myself? Actually no I'm not going to do that, I'd have to be some crazy psycho to do that. I'll just sneak away somehow, but Josh has to come as well because once he finds out who Blaine is all hell will break loose.

I Bust the Windows out Your Car ~ Book Two of MT Trilogy ~ BEING EDITED SEVERELYWhere stories live. Discover now