Chapter Twelve

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Hey peoples, so here is the one chapter I promised, but it won't be really good because I've been under a lot of pressure. I really don't want to do exams. Someone please shot me...

Anyways, I hope you guys like this chapter because it's going to be last one till february probably. Honestly it's not that long.

I'm going to make a promise to you, (I'll make my friends help me with it so I keep this promise) after exams I'll post a super long chapter to make up for everything. Think I can do it? Hope so... haha *weak laugh*

love ya<3

~ Sam

Chapter Twelve

"Home at last." I dropped my bags, and ran for the couch.

"Um okay...?" Josh just walked over and sat on the chair.

"I hate having to shop. It's just so long and tiring." I complained.

"Long and tiring my ass. I had to give you a piggy back ride everywhere." he retorted.

"That was before those psyco chicks attack us, and threw my off your back." I replied completely regretting the thrown off the back part. I keep making Josh feel so guilty.

I hate doing that.

"Okay... um anyways, what do you want to do for super tonight?" I asked trying my best to change the subject.

"I can make something if you want because we both know that you can't cook." Josh teased.

"Yes I can!" I protested.

"Cereal doesn't count."

"Whatever, I can make Kraft Dinner, and all that type of stuff." I stated.

"How are you so thin then?" he teased.

"Because I'm the type of girl who can eat anything, and still have the tiniest body ever." I replied.

"I can see that." Josh teased.

I watched as he dropped the rest of my bags by the stairs and came over to me.

He came and stood beside the couch. He leaned over and put both his hands on either side of me- making sure I can't get up.

"Have you ever heard of personal space?" I asked. I placed both my hands on his chest to push him back, but that wasn't going to happen anytime soon.

"Because of Stella I payed her like twenty bucks for being in her personal space. She's like a scam artist. I probably gave her one hundred dollars just for little things." Josh groaned. Yup, that's my Stella. She owes me like three hundred dollars, but honestly I don't really care at this point. I know I'm not going to get it anytime soon.

"Just think, if you had that extra three hundred dollars you could get Beats." Josh teased. My eyes widened in realization.

I push hard on Josh's chest to back him up. I sat up ready to leave again. "Ohmygod, I could. Ugh Josh, why would you tell me that?"

"Are you seriously going to go buy ones right now?" he asked sitting down beside me.

"No, but I want to." I pouted.

"Do you even have the money?" he joked. I smacked his arm in annoyance.

"I do thank you very much. I get payed well." I replied crossing my arms and sticking my tongue out. "Anyways, want do you want to do for supper? We haven't really decided."

"I can make you something if you want, instead of always eating out." Josh suggested.

"Naw, I think I'll cook you something for a change." I smiled and got up.

I Bust the Windows out Your Car ~ Book Two of MT Trilogy ~ BEING EDITED SEVERELYWhere stories live. Discover now