Chapter Twenty Four

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Twenty Four

Four Days Later...

I haven't heard from or talked to any of the guys. Stella and Ian are suppose to be coming back tomorrow which I'm pretty happy about, that means I can finally have someone to talk to.

Pretty much for the last couple of days I've been hanging out with Flynn. We are seriously the most retarded people. First we went to Wal-Mart and had a competition to see who could get kicked out first. Flynn obviously won.

He decided to hit on every woman he saw, and act like a rapist to little kids. Honestly it was the funniest shit ever.

I went with the more creative side, but it didn't seem to work as well. I grabbed every action figure I could and set them up like its a war zone. I declared war against the superheroes with the Pokemon. The Wal-Mart employees weren't impressed at all, but it was worth it.

Flynn almost got arrested for running through the park in only his boxer while I sat back dying of laughter, and video taping it. Seeing kids scream and run the other way was priceless, this is honestly the most fun I have had in so long.

Today now was just a lazy day, Flynn went out with a couple old friends while I stayed at home and did nothing.

*Knock Knock Knock*

I caught myself from screaming. I got up off the couch and waddled to the door. I was expecting it to be one of the guys, but instead there stood Stella and Ian hand in hand.

I gawked at them taken by completely surprise. "You-you were suppose to come back t-till tomorrow." I stuttered.

Stella laughed before replying, "Maci, I told you I was coming back today. Someone really hasn't been paying attention." she teased.

"I've been trying not too." I mumbled. I knew Stella heard me, but she choose not to reply. "So how was it?"

"It was awesome! Absolutely spectacular." she gushed. I hate how she is just so in love, it pains me. "Mace, are you alright?"

I shook my head before bursting into tears. Come one Maci, you were able to go four days without crying, but once Stella and Ian come back I crack. That's it, it's because I saw Ian and thought of Josh.

"Darling, come here and tell me what's wrong." Stella ushered me to the couch and sat down beside me.

"Stella...I'm uh...I'm pregnant." I told her. I watched as her face turned from confused to happiness.

"Ohmigod, that's wonderful." she exclaimed.

"No it's not, I'm pregnant with Josh's fucking demon child." I snapped.

"Maci come on it can't be that terrible."

"There's a reason why Josh's isn't here like he normally is." I muttered coldly.

Stella's faced changed from excitement to anger. Wow a lot of different moods. "Please don't tell me he dumped you after finding out you're prego. I am going to fucking kill him!"

Stella went to get up, but I stopped her. "Stella he didn't, I am just giving him some space while he thinks this over. This is such a huge impact on our lives to begin with. We didn't want this, but it's a little late to change it now."

"How far along are you?"

"Two weeks since your wedding."

"Oh right, so you guys actually did it? Matt was right." Stella tried hiding a laugh, but I knew she was dying to let it all out.

"Well congrats Maci." Ian said, talking for the first time.

"This is not something to celebrate, my life is officially over." I sighed, placing my face in my hands. All I wanted to do right now is scream, scream to the world about how much I would like to ripe its throat out.

"Why don't we go to the hotel, you obviously need to see Josh because it pains me to see you like this. I'm so used to a strong, confident woman, not a broken, crying mess. And I also want to see Mike and Matt." she said. I nodded approving, but seeing Josh will make this all worse.

I got up and followed Stella and Ian downstairs, and to her car. Ian offered to sit in the back so I could be with Stella, but I refused. Stella is so lucky to have such a great guy, not an annoying wuss that's unable to deal with a problem.


I didn't want to be here, but I had no choice. Stella would have made me come no matter what. As she raised her hand to knock I stopped her. "Mace, everything will be alright. Trust me." she gave me a warm reassuring smile. What I'd do without her I don't know.

Stella keeps me sane, but she also has her moments.

Stella softly knocked on the door and waited for one of the guys to open it. Moments later I saw Mike's familiar face.

"Stella? Ian?" he looked confused.

"Did no one remember we were coming back today?" Stella sighed, shaking her head in disapproval.

"We have been kind of busy. Trying to deal with Josh's depressed state." he replied, giving me a once over. Wow, gee thanks Michael.

I pushed past Mike to see Josh huddled in a ball on his bed. He looked absolutely terrible. Matt just sat beside him playing around on his laptop.

"Josh..." I whispered as I sat beside him. I placed my hand on his waist, but he showed no sign that I was there. "You sure he's even breathing?" I joked to Matt.

Matt tried stifling a laugh, but he seemed concerned. Very concerned. "He's not asleep, and please go easy on him."

What the fuck is happening?!

"Guys can you give us a minute?" I asked them. They all nodded their heads before going to the other room. Why they haven't checked out of that one yet, I don't know.

Once they left I got up and made my way over to the other side of the bed. I lifted up the blankets, and climbed in beside Josh. He shifted. I felt hands wrap around my waist, and before I knew it is am crushed into Josh. He held onto me tight, almost like I was going to just disappear any second.

"Maci, we need to get this all sorted out, I want our kid to have a father in its life, but that won't happen if you don't come with me." Josh practically begged.

"I have a life though Josh, those kids I teach are my everything. Yes, they may seem annoying, but they do really grow on me. I can't just drop everything and leave." I countered.

"But Maci, you are my everything..." Josh sighed. He finally opened his eyes to look me start in the my eyes. I was instantly lost in these beautiful blue pearls. "Maci, since the day I met you I wanted to know you better. You have such a kick ass personality. You are perfect in my eyes. Are you the most beautiful thing to walk this planet."

I couldn't help the grin that spread on my face, and the single tear that escaped. "Hey babe, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, you are just too dare perfect for your good." I laughed. "I love you Josh."

I could see something in his eyes light up. Technically I finally told Josh I loved him. "I love you too Maci." Josh leaned in and pressed his lips tenderly to mine.

"Stop with the gentleness, and just kiss me." I laughed, grabbing hold of his collar, and slaming my lips to his. I could never get enough of him.

"Well isn't this just so sweet." we broke apart to see the guys - and Stella - smiling.

"I'm hungry, let's go get something to eat." Stella announced as she walked out of the room. Wow, great way to ruin the mood Stella.


I honestly have no idea what this is going anymore. I have this little thing planned in my mind, but well...I don't know. Ugh! If I stick with this little plan thing, there is going to be only like two-three chapters left.

Well hope you enjoyed this pathetic thing called a chapter.

Vote, comment. Whatever

I Bust the Windows out Your Car ~ Book Two of MT Trilogy ~ BEING EDITED SEVERELYWhere stories live. Discover now