Ch. 8: Sly Weasels and Flustered Confessions (editing)

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    Midnight has a calming effect on people such as myself. The city is, for the most part, quiet, and the other people in the building are peacefully asleep in their cozy beds.

    On the other hand, there's me, sitting on the couch with my sock-covered feet kicked up on the coffee table and anime on the television at a medium volume.

   "Coming up next on-"

    "You’re alone on a Saturday night?" Marco asked, waltzing into the living room and turning on the light. "Shocker.”

    "Shut it, Marco," I retorted, never taking my eyes off the commercials on the screen. "Saturday’s are my anime nights and you know it.”

    Marco plopped down in a seat next to me and nudged my shoulder."Are you so lonely you have to watch fictional characters in non-realistic situations and fantasize about the hot ones?"

    “Of course I do, but the plots are the main reason I watch them. Without an interesting plot and character development, I can’t get into it. I love it when the characters can relate to other people too!”

    “Okay, Miss Obsessed, we’ve had this conversation before," Marco commented monotonously. "The characters aren’t real and neither are the stories.”

    I put on my grossest sob face and exclaimed, “They’re real to me, dammit!”

    “No matter how ugly a face you make, I’ll still think you’re weird.” He slung his arms around me and pulled me into a hug. “But you’re adorable so you make up for it. Difference is the spice of life, Roxanne.”

    I sneered away from him and tisked. “Oh Marco, how you always find the right way to put things I’ll never know.”

    “Oh, I just know how to-” Marco was about to finish when he was interrupted by a knock at the door. I cocked my head to the side, watching a confused Marco get up and check to see who it was. “It’s for you,” he called from the other side of the room.

    It’s the middle of the fucking night, who visits at this hour? I sighed and trudged over to Marco, finding a wide-eyed and very much awake Jean Kirschstein at my door. “What do you need lover-boy?” I questioned, crossing my arms and flashing him a sarcastic grin.

    He blinked a few times, stating, “It’s Saturday, correct?”

    “Well, no duh," I said vapidly. "Why, what’s up? You know it’s like twelve thirty in the morning, right? Shouldn’t good boys like you be asleep?”

    “Guys like me don’t need sleep, we live off inspiration, creativity and coffee. But forget that, I came by to clarify if Saturday’s are indeed anime nights.” He smiled at me, waiting for my reply.

    I clearly remembered telling him I watched anime and how I was the biggest fangirl on the planet. To which he had responded I should act my age. We got into a small arguement about it, that I won by ranting to him about how anime can be enjoyed no matter the age limit and that it spoke to me on a deep level.

    Seems like the big boy has come around to the idea of watching it.

    "You best hurry on in then, the next one should be starting soon." I beckoned him inside, leading the way to the living room.

    "You kids have fun, but I'm off to bed," Marco said, waving both of us off. "I have psychology classes tomorrow afternoon and I need my sleep." 

   The shuffling of footsteps echoed the halls before the door shut with a gentle thud. Thanks Marco, for leaving me alone with Jean. Nice friend you turned out to be.

I Have An Objection! [ Levi x OC ] [ Moderate Editing ]Where stories live. Discover now