Ch. 20: A Choice with No Regrets

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There was a comforting silence, a quietude that enveloped my being and cradled me in its warmth and altruism. Again, I was in limbo, but where exactly had I fallen into it?

Sluggishly, I began to flicker my eyes open, registering the familiar, yet distant room I was located in. The pastel blue hues and white trim along the walls were answers enough where I had been deposited to, but another person occupied the room, staring off blankly at the closed bedroom door. Sitting in their usual spread-legged, hunched over position, I could distinctly make out their inky hair and smooth jawline.

"Levi . . ." I drawled, blinking slowly as my sight adjusted to his lone figure.

Curving his head slightly, Levi lifted his lashes to my bundled form, cobalt hues shimmering when a smile tugged at his lips. "Roxanne," he breathed, voice brimming with happiness, "I'm glad to see you're okay."

Relinquishing a frail moan from my throat, Levi shifted closer to me, the mattress squeaking a bit as he scooted over. "I've been worried, you know," he added, huffing out a faint chuckle. "You had a panic attack and fainted once I entered the apartment, but Marco said you would be fine, just to give you a few hours, that's all."

Levi assisted me with sliding my left arm out of the blankets, considering I was flaccid and disoriented upon awakening. Once he rested my arm and the back of my hand on top of the comforter, Levi grasped it gingerly, our palms pressed together as his thumb gently stroked the side of my own. Curling my fingers around his pinkie, I exhaled a deep breath through my nose and glanced up at the demonstrative concern etched onto his porcelain features.

"Marco, he . . . he told me about what happened," Levi explained solemnly, tone low and gravelly as he spoke. "More specifically, what caused you to collapse into a shivering, sobbing mess. Although, I'm glad my patience with you is exceedingly high, on top of the fact that I could never bring myself to return home without you. You're a lucky woman, I'll tell you that."

"I'm sorry Marco had to fetch you so suddenly," I murmured, averting my gaze from Levi and trailing in towards the wall. "You must be ashamed of my actions, and peeved from fretting over a stupid panic attack."

"Your problems are my problems," he replied, tightening his hold on my hand by a minuscule amount. "Marco urged me that it was immediate, and once I saw your tear-streaked face and huddled position, I knew I had to do something about it, no matter the reason behind your emotional and mental state at the time.

"But, I've been wondering about this whole ordeal, and now that you're awake, my question to you is: How were you able to act so affectionate and kind to me, despite all the shit you endured? If you ask me, I would be distrustful of all men after such a traumatic and awful experience."

I couldn't help but breath out giggle, despite the unnerving circumstances. "Oh, I am, believe me. Outer appearances can be deceiving, Levi."

His expression was a mixture between perplexity, and a hint of realization. Like he had completed a jigsaw puzzle, and only recently discovered its meaning.

"Was the accountant I met long ago but a mere illusion then?" he inquired honestly, a smile playing on his lips. "That positive attitude and impish grin, those fleeting moments that caused my heart to flutter incessantly and cheeks grow with heat . . . That persona of you, was it a facade?"

"Not necessarily," I replied, blinking at the remorseful male. "Gosh, it's hard to explain how my brain and emotions function . . . I guess, you could interpret my personality with a negative connotation, but I assure you, love, I did genuinely fall for you . . . but I suppose our relationship was built upon false identities, now that you mention these things."

I Have An Objection! [ Levi x OC ] [ Moderate Editing ]Where stories live. Discover now