Ch. 11: Erwin Smith is No Charmer (editing)

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Sunlight seeped through the curtains as I stared at the ceiling, dreading to get out of the covers and brace the day ahead of me. Groaning, I turned onto my back and pulled the blankets up to my nose. It would be nice to stay here all day, all bundled up and snug.

"Oh, but Mr. Smith wants you to hang out with him," I replied to myself out loud, exhaling softly right after. "Why did you say yes to him? You are such an idiot, Roxanne. What are you expecting? Some half-hearted apology and then everything will go back to normal?"

"It's how the world works Roxy, people are born ignorant and such and such," Marco mumbled next to me.

"What am I to do? I can't tell Levi, because he'll most likely go bonkers if he finds out Mr. Smith asked me out, if you can even call it that. Is this cheating? I can't tell if it is or isn't."

"Technically, no, because you haven't done anything yet. Depends on how the day goes I guess. I mean, do you think your boss is the kinda guy to force himself on you?"

"Well, he kinda hit my ass, so yes," I plainly stated.

"Have you told Reiner any of this?"

"No, he doesn't even know that I have a boyfriend. Remember what happened last time I dated someone?" I paused, hesitant to answer that question. "It didn't end too well."

"Roxanne, saying 'it didn't end too well' is an understatement." He shifted to face my way, his once neat bangs were now ruffled and sweeped over. "Although, it's in best interest not to tell Reiner, especially what happened with your boss."

I rested the back of my hand on my forehead. "Sometimes Reiner gets a bit too overprotective, you know what I mean? It's cute, he's like a doting brother, but enough is enough at certain points."

"Have you ever stopped to ask yourself if Reiner might like you more than a best friend? Or brother, if you want to put it that way."

My lips instinctively twitched into an embarrassed sneer. It would explain a lot about him actually. I clicked my tongue and uttered a simple, "Maybe."

"If he does, I feel bad because you're going to have to--"

"Now, now, stop licking my face Russell! Down boy!"

My ears perked up at the sound of someone yelling outside. "What the hell?" Marco cursed under his breath and hopped out of bed, clad only in a pair of blue-striped boxers. He drew the curtains open a tad, the morning sun bouncing of his lightly tanned skin.

"What's going on out there?" I questioned, rubbing my eyes of any excess sluggishness.

"Seems like some blond guy is wrestling with a German Shepard," he replied, swishing the curtains back over the window.

Blond? How come that sounds familiar? Throwing the covers off of me, I raced out of bed and frantically searched the drawers, pulling out a pair of sweatpants, socks and a bra. "Marco I have an odd feeling I know the gentleman downstairs," I said, slipping on the articles of clothing. "I'll be right back."

"I will never understand how women are able to put their bras on so quickly, especially if they're already wearing a shirt," Marco remarked, sitting at the edge of the bed.

"Well, I'll tell you when I get back, so don't grow impatient on me." I winked at him before rushing out of the apartment, careful not to trip down the stairs. I'm pretty sure I caught the eye of a bewildered and slack jawed Jean, who was most likely heading down to grab his mail before I sprinted past.

Pushing the main doors open, I stared wide-eyed at who was causing all the commotion. There, sprawled out on the concrete sidewalk, a certain blue-eyed man was being toppled by a large German Shepard.

I Have An Objection! [ Levi x OC ] [ Moderate Editing ]Where stories live. Discover now