Ch. 10: A Boyfriend is Built to be Overprotective (editing)

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    I can’t pinpoint the time I grew affectionate to the cold. Probably in my childhood. I always loved being outside, especially when it snowed. I would bundle myself in jackets and sweaters, run outside and plop down into a bed of pure white. My mother grew worried, but she would eventually shake her head and return into the house.

    The snow made me feel at ease, as did the rain. Though, it rarely snows in the city, nor rains as much as it should. It’s what makes me miss my old home. It’s much less noisy out in the country, and less crowded too. Not to mention all the wholesome characters living there.

    I stuffed my hands into my pockets and continued my walk around the park. Yes, it was here, when I saw Levi as much more than a co-worker. I sighed, remembering what Mr. Smith had said the day of the meeting.

    Levi was nothing like what Mr. Smith made him out to be. The man may seem aloof and grumpy, but on the inside he was sweet and considerate. He was the kind of person who deeply cared about you as an individual, someone who accepted you for all your faults and mistakes.

    I stood awkwardly by one of the park benches, exhaling shaky puffs of air. It was no use, I could not clear my head no matter how hard I tried. I gave up and decided to trek back to my apartment. I paid no attention to what was straight ahead of me, causing me to collide with an innocent stranger.

    “I-I’m so sorry! I wasn’t looking where I was going, are you okay?” I asked, frazzled.

    “Perfectly alright, it was an accident, nothing se-” He paused, not finishing his last thought. “Roxanne?”

    I peeked up. Raven hair that fell onto pallid skin, but never masking delicate features. “Levi,” I squeaked, rushing in and embracing him tightly.

    He wrapped his arms around me, his familiar scent and the warmth of his body keeping me safe from the brisk wind. "Hello darling," he said, planting a soft kiss on my cheek.

    "What are you doing out here? Shouldn't you be at work?"

    "Erwin's giving me shit, didn't even bother showing my face down there. Which reminds me, what did he want from you the other day?"

    I tensed. It wasn't the time or place to bring that up. "Can we talk somewhere else? My place, maybe?"

    "Well, it certainly is a bit chilly to be outside for too long, and I haven't been to your place yet," he said, nonchalantly as ever.

    I smiled and tugged on the sleeve of his jacket. "Okay, it’s a deal!"

    Take a turn on this avenue, make a right on that street, keep walking straight until you reach the brick building that you know all too well. It's not that hard Roxanne, look, it right there. Don't get stiff either, for heaven's sake, he's your boyfriend.

    "I must say, it is a cozy dwelling you have going on here," Levi said through slightly chattering teeth, hanging his coat behind the door. "Do you live by yourself?"

    "Hm? Oh no, I share the apartment with my friend Marco. He's off at his classes today though. He's studying to be a therapist, you know."

    "A... therapist you say?" He sneered, a hint of disdain in his voice. “They’re not really good for anything, just sit there with their notes on you and act like they give a damn. Bunch of bullshit if you ask me.”

    Wasn’t expecting that kind of a response. “Have you had a bad experience with therapists, Levi?”

    “More like appalling.” He searched his front pockets, pulling out a small carton. “Do you mind if I smoke in here?”

I Have An Objection! [ Levi x OC ] [ Moderate Editing ]Where stories live. Discover now